Catherine II

5 Kopeks



Item number: A21

Year: AD 1786

Material: Copper

Manufactured by:  Ekaterinburg Mint

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2023

This copper coin was minted during the period of Catherine II of the Russian Romanov dynasty. After killing her husband, the former Tsar Peter III, in a coup, Catherine II became the longest-reigning monarch in the history of the Russian Empire (reigning from AD 1762 to AD 1796), with a reign of 34 years. It successively participated in the partition of Poland and the seizure of the Crimean Peninsula from the Ottoman Empire, making Russia one of the great powers in Europe.

After Catherine II came to power, the production of currency underwent major changes as her grandiose plans required huge financial costs. Russia began to use a paper currency system supported by copper coins. By the end of the Queen’s reign, the deterioration of the coins and the excessive issuance of banknotes put Russia’s finances in crisis.

The obverse side of this copper coin uses the double-headed eagle national emblem as the main visual. The Russian letters “ЕМ” on both sides below the eagle’s talons are the abbreviation of the Yekaterinburg Mint (Екатеринбурского монетного двора) in Yekaterinburg. The factory was founded in AD 1725 on the basis of the Yekaterinburg state mining factory and did not become a permanent mint until 1755. The text below indicates that the denomination of the coin is five kopecks (ПЯТЬ КОПѢЕКІ).

A crown symbolizing royal power appears on the top of the reverse, and in the middle is the royal signature of Catherine II surrounded by a leaf crown, and the year of issue AD 1786.

物件編號: A21

年代: 公元 1786 年


製造地: 葉卡捷琳堡造幣廠

來源: 福君錢幣 2023

此枚銅幣為俄國羅曼諾夫王朝的葉卡捷琳娜二世(Catherine II)時期所鑄造。透過政變殺害其夫婿前沙皇彼得三世後,葉卡捷琳娜二世成為俄羅斯帝國史上在位時間最長(公元1762年至1796年在位)的君主,在位時間長達34年。先後參與瓜分波蘭和自鄂圖曼土耳其帝國手裡奪走克里米亞半島,使俄羅斯躍身歐洲強權之列。


此枚銅幣的正面以雙頭鷹國徽作為主視覺,鷹爪下方兩側的俄文字母《ЕМ》是位於葉卡捷琳堡的葉卡捷琳堡造幣廠(Екатеринбурского монетного двора)的縮寫名稱。該廠是公元1725年以葉卡捷琳堡國有採礦廠為基礎創建,直到公元1755年才成為永久性的造幣廠。而下方的文字,則標示該硬幣的面額為五戈比(ПЯТЬ КОПѢЕКІ)


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