1612 The Second Militia
wire money 1 Kopek
Item number: A42
Year: AD 1612-First half of 1613
Material: 銀
Size: 1.1 x 0.9 cm
Weight: 0.91 g
Provenance: Katz Auction 2023
According to the Museum of the Bank of Russia, this coin was casted in Yaroslavl by Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Mikhaylovich Pozharsky. ” The Second Zemstvot” (Второе Земское ополчение) was a minting activity initiated by the Russian government, issued in the name of Fedor Ivanovich, the last legitimate tsar of the Rurik dynasty. When the militia recaptured Moscow in AD 1610, these coins engraved with the name of the tsar continued to be issued in the Russian capital. It was not until AD 1613 that the nobles elected the Romanov family to succeed the tsar.
In AD 1598, Ivan the Terrible’s successor, Feodor I, died without leaving any heirs, bringing an end to the bloody legacy of the Rurik dynasty. The self-styled claimant to the title, “Puppet King Dimitri,” purporting to be the posthumous progeny of the late Ivan the Terrible, manifested on three occasions, instigating political upheavals in the adjacent regions of Poland and Sweden, and concurrently precipitating a series of incessant natural disasters. As of the year AD 1610, the capital, Moscow, remained under the occupation of Polish forces.
This period was called the Time of Troubles (Smutnoye vremya) in Russian history. What reversed this situation was the cooperation of the businessman Kuzma Minin and the noble prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharski. In October AD 1612, they successfully led the militia to regain the territory occupied by Poland. Moscow. The famous landmark “Minin and Pozharsky Monument” standing in Moscow’s Red Square today commemorates this period of history.
Russian wire money patterns from AD1533 to 1717
1 kopek | A knight riding a horse and pointing his spear at the lower right. |
1/2 kopek (denga) | A knight riding a horse and holding a saber. |
1/4 kopek (polushka) | Bird. |
物件編號: A42
年代: 公元 1612-1613 上半年
材料: 銀
尺寸: 1.1 x 0.9 cm
重量: 0.91 g
來源: 捷克Katz 拍賣 2023
根據俄羅斯銀行博物館所述,此錢幣是由庫茲馬·米寧Kuzma Minin和德米特里·米哈伊洛維奇·波扎爾斯基親王Dmitry Mikhaylovich Pozharsky在雅羅斯拉夫爾Yaroslavl組建的「第二地方自治民兵」(Второе Земское ополчение)為俄羅斯政府發起的鑄幣活動,以留里克王朝Rurik dynasty最後一位合法沙皇俄羅斯費奧多爾一世Fedor Ivanovich的名義發放。當公元1610年民兵光復莫斯科後,這些刻有這位沙皇名字的錢幣也持續在俄羅斯首都發行,直到公元1613年貴族推選出羅曼諾夫家族接任沙皇方才停止發行。
這段期間在俄羅斯歷史被稱作混亂時期(Smutnoye vremya)。扭轉這個局面的,是商人庫茲馬·米寧和貴族德米特里·米哈伊洛維奇·波扎爾斯基親王攜手合作,於公元1612年10月成功領導民兵光復被波蘭佔領的莫斯科。如今矗立於莫斯科紅場的知名地標「米寧和波扎爾斯基紀念碑」正是在紀念這段歷史。
1 kopek | 騎著一匹駿馬並把槍矛指向右下方的騎士。 |
1/2 kopek (denga) | 騎著一匹駿馬手持軍刀的騎士。 |
1/4 kopek (polushka) | 鳥 |