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Reza Shah1000 Dinar
Item Number: A23
Year: AD 1928 (AH 1306)
Material: Silver
Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2023
This silver coin was minted during the reign of Reza Khan, the founder of the Pahlavi dynasty of Persia. The obverse appears a profile portrait of the Shah (Emperor) in military uniform. The literal translation of the Persian text above is “Shah (Emperor) Pahlavi of Persia.” ”, below is the casting year marked with Persian numerals: 1306 Hijri (AD1928).
The reverse of the coin shows the national emblem of the Persian Empire, a lion holding a scimitar and the sun rising behind it, surrounded by a wreath. Below the lion is written the denomination of the coin: One thousand dinars.
In AD 1921, the Persian Cossack Cavalry Brigade, under the command of Reza Khan, entered the capital Tehran without bloodshed and overthrew the unpopular Qajar dynasty. In AD 1925, Reza Khan ascended the throne and founded the Pahlavi Dynasty. Reza Khan led Persia towards modernization and declared that Iran would replace Persia as the country’s title.
During World War II, Reza Khan’s intention to remain neutral prompted the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union to intervene. He abdicated in AD 1941 and went into exile overseas, relinquishing the throne to his son Muhammad-Richard Pahlavi. In AD 1979, the Pahlavi dynasty was finally overthrown by the Islamic Revolution led by Ayatollah Khomeini, ending Iran’s thousand-year monarchy.