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Thieu Tri Lute
(Full Size)
Item number: A35
Year: AD 1841-1847
Material: Gold
Weight: 3.77 g
Provenance: Stack’s Bowers Galleries 2023
In AD 1802, the Nguyen Dynasty established the independent state of Gia Long after overthrowing the Tay Son Dynasty. The Nguyen Dynasty can be divided into two periods: the independent period (AD 1802-1883) and the colonial period (AD 1883-1945). The signing of the “Treaty of Hue” with France in AD 1883 officially marked Vietnam as a French protectorate, initiating the colonial era.
On the obverse side of this coin, the inscription “紹治” (Thiệu Trị) corresponds to the reign title of Emperor Thiệu Trị during the Nguyễn Dynasty. On the reverse side, positioned to the left, is the swastika symbol 卍, a variant of “萬” (wàn in Vietnamese), commonly signifying the concept of ‘ten thousand’ in Vietnamese culture. In the center is the Đàn tỳ bà (Vietnamese Lute), an instrument closely associated with the royal court and still employed in palace performances to this day.
Jianbing Dai, Luqian Peng, Xiaorong Chen, The Cultural Exchange History of Ancient Currency between China and Other (England: Cambridge Scholars Publishing ), 2022