La Española Chocolate card (coinage and order)

Item number: C31

Year: AD 1866-87

Material: Paper

Provenance: Private Collector, Holland, 2022

In the second half of the 19th century, the La Española company was prominent in the chocolate industry, founded in AD 1866 by Salvador Cunill Vergés on Paseo de Areneros –a road that would later become Alberto Aguilera and was, at that time, an industrial area located on the outskirts. located on the outskirts. The factory had steam machinery, the latest technology that improved production and began to displace both artisans and large-scale producers. Its chocolates, coffees and teas were highly sought after by Madrid’s high society and it even became a supplier to the Royal House. 

In AD 1884, Cunill’s death plunged the company into an internal struggle between the partners and the founder’s widow, Emilia Coarasa. She took charge of the business from December AD 1887 until she died in AD 1894. She was the one who finally took the reins of La Española, laying the groundwork for its relaunch: reduced the workforce and bought new machinery in the US and Germany for the factory, which even operated with electric light. A decade after Emilia’s husband passed away, leaving the management in the hands of her son, he opened the firm to new partners and, within just two years, divested the company.

On the front side of the card, the central area features the Order of Art and Science, while the lower right corner displays ancient Persian coinages. Three distinct inscriptions are observed, each composed in Avestan, Persian, and Sanskrit respectively: “Ishya, the divine of the universe, who is his second daughter,” and “He knew the world so well that God wanted to give birth to someone who could live forever.”

The reverse side depicts the Spanish coat of arms and features the names of the proprietors of La Española Company, namely, S. Cunill, along with the manufacturing facility’s address: Madrid, 38, Paseo de Areneros.

La Espanola巧克力公司

物件編號: C31

年代: 公元 1866-87 年


來源: 荷蘭私人收藏 2022

在19世紀下半葉,La Española 公司在巧克力行業中傑出,該公司於公元1866年由Salvador Cunill Vergés在Areneros大道上創立,該道路後來成為Alberto Aguilera,當時是一個位於市區郊區的工業區域。該工廠配備了蒸汽機械,這是當時最先進的技術,改善了生產並開始取代手工藝者和大規模生產者。其巧克力、咖啡和茶受到馬德里上層社會的高度追捧,甚至成為皇室的供應商。公元1884年,Cunill的去世使公司陷入合夥人和創始人的遺孀Emilia Coarasa之間的內部爭鬥,她自公元1887年12月起負責經營,直到公元1894年去世。她最終掌握了La Española的控制權,為其重新啟動奠定了基礎:她減少了員工,並為工廠購買了來自美國和德國的新機械,甚至實現了電力照明。在她去世後的十年裡,她的兒子接管了管理,他向新的合夥人開放公司,並在短短兩年內將其出售。

卡片正面的中心有 Order of Art and Science徽章,右下方則有古代波斯錢幣。可見三段分別以阿維斯陀語,波斯語及梵文寫成的文字:「伊夏(Ishya),宇宙之神,他的二女兒」、「他對這個世界瞭如指掌,以至於上帝想要生下一個可以永生的人」。

背面則繪有西班牙紋章,La Española 公司持有者的名字:S.Cunill以及製造廠的地址:Madrid, 38, Paseo de Areneros。


Biblioteca Digital de la Comunidad de Madrid.La Española : Gran Fábrica de Chocolates : Viuda de Cunill


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