The Royal and Distinguished Spanish Order of Charles III

(Full size), Knight Class



Item number: M28

Year: AD 1830-1860

Material: Gold and Enamel

Size: 99.0 x 40.0 mm

Weight: 20.93 g

Manufactured by: Madrid

Provenance: Liverpool Medals 2022

The full name of the Order is the “Royal and Distinguished Spanish Order of Charles III” (Real y Distinguida Orden Española de Carlos III ). Established in AD 1771 by King Charles III to celebrate the birth of his grandson, the heir to the throne, after four years of the crown prince’s marriage. Since AD 1847, this Order has been open to Spanish civilians. The Charles III Order has five levels, this item is the Knight class, which is the fifth and lowest level of the order. (See table)

Grades of OrderMember restrictionType of ribbon and Decoration
Collar (Collar)Limited to 25 Spanish citizens (not including members of Spain’s royal family)A silk band, 101 mm wide, light blue, with two white stripes, 6 mm wide, running parallel 4 mm from the edge of the ribbon/ Without decoration.
Grand Cross (Gran-Cruz) Limited to 100 Spanish citizens (limit excludes government ministers)A silk band, 101 mm wide, light blue, with a central white stripe 33 mm wide/ With a decoration of Crown on ribbon.
Commander by Number (Encomienda de Número)Limited to 200 Spanish citizens (limit excludes government ministers)A silk band, 101 mm wide, light blue, with a central white stripe 33 mm wide/ With a decoration of king’s monogram on ribbon.
Commander (Encomienda) / *Dame’s Rosette (Lazo de Dama)UnlimitedA silk band, 101 mm wide, light blue, with a central white stripe 33 mm wide / With a decoration of Order on ribbon.
Knight’s Cross (Cruz)UnlimitedA silk band, 101 mm wide, light blue, with a central white stripe 33 mm wide / Without decoration.
* “Dame’s Rosette” is the title for female recipient

The Knight class include a light blue ribbon with a width of 101mm, featuring a central white stripe that is 33mm wide. The ribbon is undecorated, and it is fastened to the gold laurel wreath (with a light blue enameled bow decoration) and the insignia through a suspension ring. The insignia is made of gold and takes the form of a Maltese cross, adorned with white and deep blue enamel. Each of the eight endpoints of the cross is capped with a small gold ball, and four Bourbon fleur de lis, symbolizing the Bourbon royal family, are set at specific angles.

The central gold-rimmed oval section of the insignia features, on the obverse side, an image of the Immaculate Conception surrounded by blue enamel. The inclusion of the Immaculate Conception is based on Charles III’s belief that the protection of the Virgin Mary was essential for the royal family to give birth to a male heir. On the reverse side of the insignia, there is a white enamel background with the initials of Charles III surrounded by a laurel wreath. The inscription of the insignia bears the Latin inscription “VIRTUTI ET MERITO,” which translates to “For Virtue and Merit.”

物件編號: M28

年代: 公元 1830-1860 年

材質: 黃金, 琺瑯

尺寸: 99.0 x 40.0 mm

重量: 20.93 g

製造地: 馬德里

來源: 利物浦獎章 2022

此勳章全名為「西班牙皇家傑出查理三世勳章」(Real y Distinguida Orden Española de Carlos III)公元1771年時任國王的查理三世為慶祝兒子,即皇太子和妻子結縭四年後,總算生下一名男嬰所設立的勳章。自公元1847年起,該勳章已經全面對西班牙平民開放。查理三世勳章依序有五個等級,此物件是第五級等的騎士級勳章。(見表格)

項鍊級 (Collar)限制在25名西班牙公民
一條淺藍色絲質綬帶,寬101 mm,距離緞帶邊緣4 mm處,兩側各有一條寬6 mm白色條紋/不帶裝飾。
大十字級 (Gran-Cruz)限制在100名西班牙公民(不包括政府部長)一條淺藍色絲質綬帶,寬101 mm,正中央有一道 33 mm 寬的白色條紋/ 綬帶有皇冠的裝飾。
(Encomienda de Número)
限制在200名西班牙公民(不包括政府部長)一條淺藍色絲質綬帶,寬101 mm,正中央有一道 33 mm 寬的白色條紋/ 綬帶有國王字母縮寫的裝飾。
指揮官級 (Encomienda)
(Lazo de Dama)
無限制一條淺藍色絲質綬帶,寬101 mm,正中央有一道 33 mm 寬的白色條紋/綬帶有勳章的裝飾。
騎士十字級(Cruz)無限制一條淺藍色絲質綬帶,寬101 mm,正中央有一道 33 mm 寬的白色條紋/ 不帶裝飾。
* 「女士蝴蝶結級」是專門給予女性授勳者的頭銜稱謂


綬章中央鑲金邊的橢圓部位,正面是藍色琺瑯包圍的無玷聖母形象。之所以出現無玷聖母,是查理三世相信出於聖母的庇護,皇室方能誕生一名男性繼承人。綬章背面以白色琺瑯為背景,中央繪有月桂花環包圍的查理三世縮寫名諱。綬章邊緣有拉丁文書寫的格言VIRTUTI ET MERITO,即美德和功績的意思。

類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 國家航海博物館 National Maritime Museum

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orders_and_medals (Instagram)


Royal And Distinguished Order Of Charles III (

Hallmarking – Braybrook & Britten

C.N. Elvin’s, The Hand-Book of the Orders of Chivalry, War Medals & Crosses (London: Dean and Son, 1892 )

Jeffrey R.Jacob, Court Jewelers of the World (New Jersey: Postgraduate International, 1978)

Borna Barac, Reference Catalogue Orders Medals and Decorations of the World : instituted until 1945 : Part IV Bronze Book P-Z (Craotia:OBOL d.o.o. Zagreb, 2010)
