Order of The Tower and Sword

(Full Size), Knight, 2nd Type



Item number: M37

Year: AD 1833-1917

Material: Gold and Enamel

Size: Order 53.48 x 42.23 / Ribbon 43.97 x 38.75 mm

Weight: 27.91 g

Provenance: Liverpool Medals 2022

The Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Tower and of the Sword, of Valour, Loyalty, and Merit, stood as a prestigious Portuguese order of knighthood and represented the pinnacle of Portugal’s honors system. Established in AD 1459 by King Afonso V, its inspiration derived from the legend prophesying the end of Arab rule in Africa upon the removal of a sword stuck in a tower in Fez by a Christian prince. Initially conceived to honor the services of knights involved in African conquests, its dissolution seemingly coincided with the recognition bestowed upon those aiding in the capture of Arzila and Tangier. Nevertheless, contentious debate persists, with some disputing its actual creation, categorizing the Order as legendary.

By Decree of May 13, AD 1808, signed in Rio de Janeiro, Prince Regent D. João ‘reestablished’ the Order of the Sword, making clear the objective of such an act was linked to the need to grace believers of other beliefs, other than that of the Catholic Church, and the old established religious orders do not serve this purpose. The reason for its creation is, therefore, to reward the services of the English who had helped transfer the Court to Rio de Janeiro. The text of the decree states that the decision was to “renew and increase the only order of chivalry that is thought to have been instituted purely civilly by some of the Portuguese Kings”, then referring to King D. Afonso V The Letter of Law of November 29, AD 1808, given in Rio de Janeiro, establishes the first structure of the Order of the Tower and Sword and reserves it for “those who have made the most of themselves in my real service through actions of high value in their military career, (…) and in politics and civil matters.”

The Order was later reformulated by D. Pedro IV, already Duke of Bragança and regent in the name of his daughter, Queen D. Maria II, by Charter of 28 July AD 1832, during the Portuguese Civil War (AD 1828-1834). In this reform, the Order acquires the new name of “The ancient and very noble order of the Tower and Sword, of valor, loyalty and merit” and once again stands out, as reasons for obtaining the Order, “personal merit, marked by achievement of weapons, or of courage or of civic devotion.”

The order may be bestowed on people or on Portuguese municipalities. In accordance with the provisions of the Portuguese Honorary Orders Law, it is intended to reward exceptionally distinguished merits in the exercise of the functions of the supreme positions of sovereign bodies or in the command of troops in campaign. Likewise, it rewards exceptional feats of military or civic heroism and exceptional acts or services of selflessness and sacrifice for the Fatherland and Humanity.

To conclude, The Military Order of the Tower and the Sword has undergone various changes in name, grades, and design since its inception. From AD 1808-1832, it was called the Order of the Tower and Sword, and from AD 1832-1917, it was called the Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Tower and of the Sword, of Valour, Loyalty, and Merit. Since AD 1917, it is known as Order of the Tower and Sword.

The Order is classified into three types based on design changes outlined in official statutes:

Name TypeFeature
Order of the Tower and SwordType I
(AD 1808-1832)
Obverse: The portrait of Prince Regent John Reverse: A wreath and sword
Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Tower and of the Sword, of Valour, Loyalty, and MeritType II
(AD 1833-1917)
Obverse: A wreath and sword
Reverse: An open book
Order of the Tower and SwordType III
(AD 1917-)
Obverse: A wreath and sword
Reverse: The Portuguese coat of arms

This distinguished order showcases a five-pointed star crafted in white enamel and delicately traced with gold accents. It is adorned by an encircling oak wreath depicted in green enamel, also embellished with gold detailing. Positioned strategically between the two upper points of the star resides a gilded tower, vividly accentuated by a blue hue.

The obverse side of the central medallion presents a wreath fashioned in green enamel and an intricately designed blue enamel sword. The entire ensemble is enclosed by a legend “Valor, Lealdade e Mérito” (Valor, Loyalty, and Merit).

Conversely, the reverse side reveals a medallion rendered in blue enamel, featuring an open book enclosed by the inscription “Pelo Rei E Pela Lei” (By the King and By the Law), meticulously etched in capital gold lettering. The absence of a rosette on the ribbon signifies its classification within the Knight class.

ClassHow to wear
Grand Collar Collar, golden breast star on the left chest
Grand Cross Collar or sash on the right shoulder, golden breast star on the left chest
Grand Officer (added in AD 1896)Necklet, golden breast star on the left chest
CommanderSilver breast star on the left chest
OfficerRibbon with rosette on the left chest
Knight or DamePlain ribbon on the left chest

物件編號: M37

年代: 公元 1833-1917 年

材質: 黃金, 琺瑯

尺寸: 勳章 53.48 x 42.23/綬帶 43.97 x 38.75 mm

重量: 27.91 g

來源: 利物浦獎章 2022

古老而尊貴的勇氣、忠誠和功績的塔與劍勳章,是葡萄牙騎士制度中一個重要的系統。由阿方索五世(King Afonso V)於公元1459年創立,其成立源於一則傳說,在這個傳說中,當基督教王子從費斯的塔中拔出一把劍時,預示著非洲的阿拉伯統治將終結。此勳章旨在表彰參與非洲征服的騎士,幫助佔領阿爾茲拉和丹吉爾的人獲得榮譽後,此勳章便逐漸消失。然而,關於其存在與否仍然有爭議,有些人將該勳章視為純粹的傳說。

公元1808年5月13日,在里約熱內盧簽署的一項法令中,由若昂王儲(Prince Regent D. João)宣布恢復該勳章,明確表述其目的是——表彰超越天主教教會信仰的個人,並承認英國人在里約熱內盧遷都期間提供的幫助。該法令旨在恢復並擴展某些葡萄牙國王純粹民事設立的唯一騎士秩序,指的是阿方索五世王。隨後的公元1808年11月29日里約熱內盧法令概述了該勳章的初始架構,將其保留給在軍事、政治和文職領域展現卓越英勇的人。

葡萄牙內戰(公元1828-1834年)期間,由布拉干薩公爵(Duke of Bragança)、以及代表瑪麗亞二世女王(Queen D. Maria II)擔任攝政的佩德羅四世(D. Pedro IV),於公元1832年7月28日頒布了章程,重組了該勳章。更名為「古老而尊貴的勇氣、忠誠和功績的塔與劍勳章」,強調個人的英勇表現、勇氣或公民奉獻。



(公元 1833-1917)
(公元 1917年至今)

此勳章為一顆以白色琺瑯製成的五角星,以金色繪邊。五角星周圍裝飾著綠色琺瑯製成的橡樹葉環,同樣以金邊裝飾。五角星的上兩個尖端之間,放置著一座以藍色點綴的金色塔樓。在中央勳章的正面,呈現著一個綠色琺瑯製的葉環以及一把藍色琺瑯劍。整個設計被一個金色裝飾的銘文所包圍,上面寫著「Valor, Lealdade e Mérito」(勇氣、忠誠和功績)。背面展示了一個藍色琺瑯製的勳章,上面是一本打開的書,周圍圈繞著用金色大寫字母刻寫的「Pelo Rei E Pela Lei」(為了國王和法律)。緞帶上缺少玫瑰形飾物,因此它屬於騎士階級。


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英國 國家陸軍博物館 National Army Museum







Jaime Daniel Leote do Rego (1867-1923) hemerotecadigital.cm-lisboa.pt/OBRAS/IlustracaoPort/1915/N483/N483_item1/P26.html

Sala Dacosta, MÉRITO E DISTINÇÃO: Ordens Honoríficas Portuguesas, (São Francisco: Museu de Angra do Heroísmo, 2018.09.23)
