The Royal Order of Cambodia
With Unofficial Ribbon and Cross
(Full Size, With Case),
Knight Class, French Indochina

Right: The differences between the rays
左側: 頂部圓珠型制差異 / 右側: 射線背後有無孔洞
Item number: M174
Year: AD 1899-1995
Material: Gold, Silver and Enamel
Size: case 108.0 x 64.7 x 25.3 / order 77.0 x 48.8 x 10.0 mm
Weight: 27.55 g
Manufactured by: Robert Stoll, New York
Provenance: Aberdeen Medals 2022
This is the Knight class of the Royal Order of Cambodia, awarded during the French Indochina period, and it comes with a brown leather storage case. The object is composed of diamond cut silver rays, and designed in the shape of an eight pointed star. Above, there is a suspension in the shape of a crown adorned with a cross. On the obverse, there is an oval-shaped purple enamel painting with the gold royal emblem at the top. The outer edge of the oval is decorated with a surrounding ring of red enamel.
Since its establishment in AD 1864, many manufacturers have been involved in the production of this order, with each edition having its own characteristics and slight differences. The most noticeable differences include whether there is a cross on top of the bead at the top and whether there are holes on the reverse of the rays. Other differences may require measurement and examination of the jeweller’s hallmark to determine. Most of the Royal Orders of Cambodia were manufactured by the A. Chobillion jeweller in Paris during the colonial period, but this particular order was crafted by the jeweller Robert Stoll in New York, USA. It is likely that it was privately commissioned by the recipient for production afterwards.
The Knight class is worn as a breast ribbon, with the order suspended by a fixed ring suspension to the ribbon. When Norodom I created this order, the ribbon was red with green stripes on both sides. However, in AD 1899, the French colonial government deemed the colours too similar to those of the Legion of Honour order and issued a new decree changing the ribbon to white with orange borders. Officers of the rank of Fourth Class and above had a white-orange floral decoration on their ribbons. It wasn’t until Cambodia gained independence from colonial rule in AD 1948 that the original red-green ribbon colours were restored. However, the solid red ribbon of the order does not conform to the aforementioned two colours, suggesting it may have been added by the manufacturer in New York. Judging by the Western-style crown at the top of the order, it can be roughly estimated that the order was awarded no later than the year AD 1995, before the top decoration was changed to the Cambodian-style Mukuta crown.
Under the unique Mandala system in Southeast Asia, a region could simultaneously be a vassal of different rulers. Cambodia, once a powerful empire in the medieval period under the Khmer Empire, later became a vassal of both the Vietnamese Nguyễn Dynasty and the Siamese (Thai) Chakri Dynasty. Since AD 1845, Siam (Thailand) and Vietnam have jointly exercised protection over Cambodia.
However, Southeast Asia’s traditional order quickly faced challenges and disruptions from the new power, France. Unwilling to be a puppet of Siam, Crown Prince Norodom sought support and protection from the emerging French influence. Since French intervention in July AD 1863, Cambodia became a highly autonomous protectorate. On February 8, AD 1864, King Norodom I, inspired by the French Legion of Honour, established the Royal Order of Cambodia with five ranks. The initial orders were awarded to French military commanders who assisted him in establishing his independence.
Grades of Order |
Knight Grand Cross (Maha Sirivaddha) |
Knight Grand Officer (Mahasena) |
Knight Commander (Dhipadinda) |
Knight Officer (Sena) |
Chevalier (Assarariddhi) |
As the suzerain of Cambodia, the French colonial government had the authority to award this order, similar to the king. According to the colonial decree of AD 1896, foreign individuals residing in Cambodia for at least three years or those who contributed to the expansion of French colonial territories were eligible to receive this award. In AD 1948, amid the post-war decolonization wave, France abolished Cambodia’s colonial status, turning the Order into a national decoration for Cambodia. In AD 1955, the Kingdom of Cambodia gained independence, breaking away from the French Union.
Subsequently, caught in the Cold War turmoil in Southeast Asia, Cambodia experienced a royal overthrow supported by the United States in AD 1970. During the period of exile, King Norodom Sihanouk continued to confer this medal. Upon his successful return to the country in AD 1975, King Sihanouk resumed the awarding of the medal. The medal later witnessed the chaotic era of the Khmer Rouge and continues to be issued today as Cambodia’s official national decoration.
物件編號: M174
年代: 公元 1899-1995 年
材料: 黃金, 白銀和琺瑯
尺寸: 盒 108.0 x 64.7 x 25.3 / 勳章 77.0 x 48.8 x 10.0 mm
重量: 27.55 g
製造地: Robert Stoll珠寶行, 紐約
來源: 亞伯丁獎章 2022
公元1864年創立以來,有許多廠商投入該勳章的製造,不同版別之間有各自的特色和些許差異。最明顯的差異是頂部圓珠的十字架有無,和射線背面有無孔洞,其餘須測量尺寸和觀察珠寶商商標方能判斷。多數柬埔寨王家勳章自殖民時期便交由巴黎的A. Chobillion珠寶行製造,但這枚勳章卻是由美國紐約的Robert Stoll珠寶行製造,可能是綬勳者後續私下委託製造的。
勳章的級別 |
大十字級 (Maha Sirivaddha) |
大指揮官級 (Mahasena) |
指揮官級 (Dhipadinda) |
軍官級 (Sena) |
騎士級 (Assarariddhi) |