Kingdom of Bulgaria

Ferdinand I

50 Stotinki



50 斯托丁基

Item number: A228

Year: AD 1913

Material: Silver

Size: 18.0 x 18.0 x 1.0 mm

Weight: 2.51 g

Manufactured by: Kremnica, Slovakia

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2015

This is a silver subsidiary coin with a denomination of 50 stotinki, minted by the Kingdom of Bulgaria in Eastern Europe in AD 1913. According to the currency exchange rate in Bulgaria at the time, 100 stotinki could be exchanged for 1 lev. The obverse side of the coin features the left-facing portrait of Tsar Ferdinand I, the first monarch of Bulgaria after its independence from the Ottoman Empire. Below the portrait is the name abbreviation “R. Marschall” for Rudolf Marschall, a sculptor from Austria. Inscriptions in Bulgarian on either side of the portrait read “ФЕРДИНАНДЪ I” and “ЦАРЬ НА БЪЛГАРИТѢ,” which translate to “Ferdinand I” and “Tsar of Bulgarians” respectively.

On the reverse side of the coin, along with the denomination and the year of issue “1913,” there are rose symbols representing Bulgaria. Since the 16th century, roses have been one of Bulgaria’s most important agricultural products. In AD 1903, local floriculturists even spontaneously organised grand celebrations known as the “Rose Festival.” The rose symbolises diligence, wisdom, and a love for nature, while the thorns represent courage, resilience, and perseverance, making it Bulgaria’s national flower.

In AD 1878, following the Tenth Russo-Turkish War, the defeated Ottoman Empire was compelled to recognise Bulgaria, which adhered to Eastern Orthodoxy, as a principality with substantial independence under Russian influence. Ferdinand I was the second ruler of the Principality of Bulgaria. In AD 1908, Ferdinand I further declared independence from the Ottoman Empire, becoming the first Tsar of the Kingdom of Bulgaria. During his reign, Ferdinand I led Bulgaria in two Balkan Wars and the First World War, seeking to restore the glory of the medieval “Great Bulgaria.” However, as a defeated nation in World War I, Ferdinand I was forced to abdicate in AD 1918 and was exiled to Austria. He eventually passed away in AD 1948 in Coburg, Germany.

物件編號: A228

年代: 公元 1913 年


尺寸: 18.0 x 18.0 x 1.0 mm

重量: 2.51 g

製造地: 克雷姆尼察,斯洛伐克

來源: 福君錢幣 2015

這是一枚公元1913年,東歐的保加利亞王國鑄造之面額50斯托丁基的銀質輔幣。按照當時保加利亞的幣值換算,100斯托丁基得以兌換1利瓦。硬幣正面是脫離鄂圖曼帝國後,保加利亞王國首任沙皇:斐迪南一世的左側肖像。肖像右下方是魯道夫·馬紹爾,這位出身奧地利的雕塑家姓名縮寫「R. Marschall」。肖像兩側以保加利亞文鐫刻「ФЕРДИНАНДЪ I」、「ЦАРЬ НА БЪЛГАРИТѢ」,即「斐迪南一世」和「保加利亞沙皇」頭銜。



類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 大英博物館 British Museum

美國 錢幣學會 American Numismatic Society


羅伯.葛沃斯 (Robert Gerwarth),《不曾結束的一戰:帝國滅亡與中東歐民族國家興起》(台北市:時報出版,2018)

