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Nicholas II
5 Roubles
Item number: A226
Year: AD 1899
Material: Gold
Size: 18.4 x 18.4 x 1.0 mm
Weight: 4.27 g
Manufactured by:St. Petersburg Mint
Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2015
This is a gold coin with a denomination of five roubles minted in AD 1899. The obverse side features a left-facing portrait of Nicholas II, the last Tsar of Russia. Surrounding the portrait are inscriptions in Old Russian script, “Б.М.НИКОЛАЙ II ИМПЕРАТОРЪ” and “И САМОДЕРЖЕЦЪ ВСЕРОСС,” which translate to “By the grace of God Nicholas II Emperor” and “Autocrat of All Russia” respectively. On the reverse side is the double-headed eagle emblem, symbolising the Romanov dynasty, with the denomination and year of production, “1899,” inscribed below.
The edge of the coin features a geometric pattern resembling inverted commas, along with the abbreviated name of Felix Zaleman, who was the director of the Saint Petersburg Mint at the time, indicated as “Ф.З”. During the reign of Nicholas II, domestically produced coins would bear the name of the mint director as a guarantee of quality. In the year AD 1899, both Yegor Babayan (Э.Б) and Felix Zaleman (Ф.З) served as directors of the Saint Petersburg Mint. Consequently, the five roubles gold coins minted in that year exist in two versions, bearing the initials “Э.Б” and “Ф.З” respectively.
In AD 1896, under the initiative of Sergei Witte, the Finance Minister of Russia at the time, Russia implemented the gold standard reform for the rouble, pegging it to the value of gold. To meet the demand for gold coins due to the public’s exchange of paper money for gold, Russian domestic mints focused on gold coin production. Consequently, the Russian government commissioned the mints in Paris and Brussels to mint silver coins, while the Birmingham Mint in England was tasked with minting copper coins. These foreign-minted coins were intended to supplement the production of Russian domestic mints.
However, with the outbreak of World War I, the highest decree on July 23, AD 1914, and the decree on July 27 of the same month abolished the convertibility of paper money into gold. By early AD 1915, gold coins had disappeared from circulation, and silver coins became the primary means of everyday exchange. It was only then that Saint Petersburg resumed its production lines and commissioned Japan, which had remained unaffected by the ravages of war, to assist in minting silver coins.
物件編號: A226
年代: 公元 1899 年
材料: 黃金
尺寸: 18.4 x 18.4 x 1.0 mm
重量: 4.27 g
製造地: 聖彼得堡造幣廠
來源: 福君錢幣 2015
這是一枚公元1899年鑄造的五盧布面額金幣。硬幣正面是俄國末代沙皇尼古拉二世的左側肖像,肖像兩側以俄羅斯帝國的舊俄文鐫刻「Б.М.НИКОЛАЙ II ИМПЕРАТОРЪ」和「И САМОДЕРЖЕЦЪ ВСЕРОСС」,意思分別是「神明庇佑的尼古拉二世皇帝」和「全俄羅斯的獨裁者」頭銜。硬幣背面是象徵羅曼諾夫皇室的雙頭鷹國徽,下方則寫上面額和出廠年份「1899」字樣。