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Germany Augsburg
Francis I
1 Conventionsthaler
德國 奧古斯堡
Item number: A252
Year: AD 1765
Material: Silver
Size: 40.0 x 40.0 mm
Manufactured by: Augsburg Mint
Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2024
This silver coin is the “conventionsthaler” which was minted in AD 1765 during the reign of Emperor Francis I by the Free Imperial City of Augsburg.
The obverse of the coin features a pine cone placed upon a pedestal, topped with a mural crown. The pine cone is flanked by an olive branch on the left and a palm branch on the right, with the initials “F. A H.” inscribed below. “A” indicates that the mint was located in the city of Augsburg, and “F. H.” represents the initials of Johann Christian Holeisen, the mint master, and Karl Frings, the engraver. Surrounding the design is the inscription “AUGUSTA VINDELICOR·AD NORM·CONVENT·1765 X EINE FEINE MARCK”, which translates to “Augsburg according to the convention standard, 1765, one-tenth of a fine mark.”
The reverse displays a profile portrait of Holy Roman Emperor Francis I wearing a laurel wreath, with the inscription “FRANCISCUS I D. G. ROM. IMP. SEM. AUG.”, meaning “Francis I, by the grace of God, Roman Emperor, always augmenter of the Empire”. Below Francis I’s portrait are the initials “I. T”, denoting the engraver Jonas Peter Thiebaud.
The pine cone is a symbol of Augsburg and is featured in the city’s current coat of arms, visible on many buildings and walls throughout the city. The pine cone was historically a symbol on the staffs of Roman legions and became the emblem of Augsburg in the early 13th century.
This coin is the last to be minted and issued in the name of Emperor Francis I by Augsburg. Most coins bearing Francis I’s image depict him clothed, making this coin, which features a semi-nude portrayal, relatively rare and unusual.
Before Francis I ascended as Holy Roman Emperor, he had already issued coins as a duke. However, it was not until AD 1745, when Francis I became Emperor and his wife Maria Theresa decreed that all coins issued by the mints should bear the sovereign’s portrait.
In AD 1753, Augsburg and Bavaria signed a convention that established a common minting standard, renaming the currency the “Convention Thaler“. This introduced a new monetary standard, the “Convention Currency”, which became the standard coinage across much of the Holy Roman Empire.
硬幣正面圖樣為一個底座上放有一顆松果,松果上方為一個壁形頭冠。松果的左右兩側分別以橄欖樹枝(左)和棕櫚樹枝(右)裝飾,下方刻有字母「 F. A H. 」,A代表造幣廠位於城市奧古斯堡,「F. H」則是鑄幣廠廠長Johann Christian Holeisen和鑄幣師Warden Karl Frings兩人名字的縮寫。硬幣的周圍刻有銘文「 AUGUSTA VINDELICOR·AD NORM·CONVENT·1765 X EINE FEINE MARCK」,意思是「奧古斯堡 根據公約標準 公元1765年 十分之一馬克」。
硬幣背面則為神聖羅馬帝國皇帝法蘭茲一世頭戴月桂葉冠的側面肖像,周圍刻有銘文「FRANCISCUS I D. G. ROM. IMP. SEM. AUG.」,意為「法蘭茲一世 蒙上地恩典的羅馬皇帝 永遠是帝國的促進繁榮者」。法蘭茲一世的肖像下方刻有字母「I. T 」,為雕刻師 Jonas Peter Thiebaud的標記。