George V

Silver Jubilee

1 Crown




Item number: A312

Year: AD 1935

Material: Silver

Size: 38.5 x 38.5 x 2.8 mm

Weight: 28.25 g

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2024

This silver coin was issued by the Royal Mint of the United Kingdom in AD 1935 to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of King George V, marking 25 years of his reign. The face value of the coin is one crown.

The obverse of the coin features a left-facing profile portrait of King George V, surrounded by the inscription “GEORGIVS V. DG. BRITT: OMN: REX. FD. IND: IMP:”. The full inscription reads “Georgius V Dei Gratia Britanniarum Omnium Rex Fidei Defensor Indiae Imperator,” meaning “George V, by the Grace of God, King of all the Britains, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India.” Below the portrait of King George V, the initials “BM” are engraved, representing the Australian sculptor Edgar Bertram Mackennal, who designed this side of the coin.

The reverse side of the coin depicts Saint George on horseback in combat with a dragon, with the inscription “CROWN 1935” above. In the lower right section of the coin (near the dragon’s hind leg), the initials “PM” are engraved, representing the British sculptor and coin designer Percy Metcalfe.

The edge of the coin is inscribed with the Latin phrase “DECUS ET TUTAMEN ANNO REGNI XXV,” meaning “An ornament and a safeguard, in the 25th year of the reign.”

The depiction of Saint George slaying the dragon on the reverse side is particularly intricate. Due to the image of Saint George on horseback, this type of coin is also known as the “rocking horse” crown.

St. George is a legendary Christian saint who lived in 3rd-century Asia Minor. He is renowned for his courageous confrontation with a malevolent dragon.

According to legend, the city where St. George resided was besieged by a menacing dragon. In order to safeguard the city’s inhabitants, St. George stepped forward and engaged in a fierce battle with the dragon, ultimately succeeding in slaying the creature.

The tale of slaying the dragon is regarded as a symbol of combating evil and protecting the vulnerable, gradually assimilated into Christian religious narratives. In the medieval period, the legend of St. George spread throughout Europe, where he became a patron saint for knights and crusaders, and was also revered as a guardian in England.

St. George’s story significantly influenced English culture, as he emerged as the patron saint of England, with the red cross on the flag of England named after him. Each year, on April 23rd, commemorating St. George’s Day has become a national celebration in England, marked by various festivities honoring this courageous saint.

物件編號: A312

年代: 公元 1935 年


尺寸: 38.5 x 38.5 x 2.8 mm

重量: 28.25 g

來源: 福君錢幣 2024


硬幣的正面刻有國王喬治五世面朝左側的側面肖像,周圍刻有銘文「GEORGIVS V. DG. BRITT: OMN: REX. FD. IND: IMP:」,完整銘文為Georgius V Dei Gratia Britanniarum Omnium Rex Fidei Defensor Indiae Imperator ,意思是「喬治五世 蒙上帝恩典 全不列顛之王 印度忠實皇帝的捍衛者」。國王喬治五世肖像的右下角刻有「BM」的字樣,代表此枚硬幣為澳大利亞雕塑家埃德加·伯特倫·麥肯納爾(Edgar Bertram Mackennal)所設計。

硬幣的背面則則描繪了聖喬治在馬上與巨龍的戰鬥,上方刻有銘文「CROWN 1935」。在硬幣右下角(龍的後腳處)刻有「PM」的英文字母,為英國雕塑家和硬幣設計師珀西·梅特卡夫(Percy Metcalfe)的鑄幣記號。

硬幣的側面刻著「DECUS ET TUTAMEN ANNO REGNI XXV」的拉丁文字,意思是「王國25年的榮耀與守護」。

這枚硬幣背面的聖喬治屠龍的圖像精美,也由於聖喬治騎馬的形象,該類硬幣又被稱為「搖馬」(rocking horse)。

聖喬治(St. George)是一位傳說中的基督教聖人,生活在3世紀的小亞細亞。他因勇敢面對惡龍而聞名。




類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 皇家鑄幣廠博物館 The Royal Mint Museum


