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Louis XVI
Brittany Token
Item number: A1202
Year: AD 1780
Material: Silver
Size: 28.1 x 28.1 mm
Fuchin Coin 2024
This is a silver token minted during the reign of Louis XVI in France. The obverse side of the coin features a bust of King Louis XVI, surrounded by the Latin legends “LUDOV . XVI . REX CHRISTIANS.”
On the reverse side of the coin, a royal crown is depicted at the top, adorned with fleur-de-lis, symbolising the power of the French monarchy. In the centre, there is an oval, flanked by a royal mantle in the shape of a bell, representing the king’s image. In addition to the legends on the obverse, the reverse side bears the Latin legends “JETTON DES ÉTATS DE BRETAGNE 1780” along the lower edge.
Of particular note is the design within the central oval, which is divided into four sections. The top left and bottom right sections feature the fleur-de-lis, the national flower of France, while the top right and bottom left sections display the ermine canton, a heraldic pattern associated with ermine fur. The combination of the fleur-de-lis, crown, and royal mantle symbolises the supreme authority of the French monarchy.
The ermine pattern on the reverse of the coin is associated with the flag of Brittany. This coat of arms featured on the silver coin draws its design from the regional flag, which prominently incorporates the ermine motif.
Brittany, located in the north-western region of France, borders Normandy to the east and is separated from the United Kingdom by the English Channel. In French, “Grande Bretagne” refers to Great Britain, while the English term “Brittany” means “Little Britain,” reflecting the historical ties between the people of this region and the island of Great Britain.
Historically, Brittany was once a duchy independent of France until the AD 16th century, when it was annexed into French territory following the marriage of Duchess Anne of Brittany to King Louis XII. Since then, it has been under French rule.
物件編號: A1202
年代: 公元 1780 年
材質: 銀
尺寸: 28.1 x 28.1 mm
來源: 福君錢幣 2024
這是一枚鑄造於法國路易十六時期的銀代幣,該枚硬幣的正面為法王路易十六的半身像,外側為拉丁銘文「LUDOV . XVI . REX CHRISTIANISS.」
該枚銀幣背面的上緣,為一國王的皇冠,其上有著代表法國王室權力的百合花。中央則為一椭圓形,在其兩邊外側則有代表國王形象的吊鐘型外袍服 。除了正面有銘文外,背面下緣亦有拉丁銘文「JETTON DES ÉTATS DE BRETAGNE 1780。」