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The Lyceum of Arts and Crafts
Medal for Exemplary Teacher
Item number: M354
Year: AD 1858-1889
Material: 24ct Gold
Size: 86.4 x 38.6 x 2.1 mm
Weight: 35.65 g
Provenance: Heritage Auctions 2024
This is a medal from the AD 19th-century Brazilian Empire, awarded by the Lyceum of Arts and Crafts. The medal is gold in colour, oval-shaped, and features a radiating star below the ribbon. The obverse side displays a relief comprising a compass, an oil lamp, a beehive, and bees, all surrounded by olive branches. Each item in the relief symbolises aspects closely tied to the academy: the compass represents the institution’s focus on teaching art and craftsmanship, the oil lamp symbolises the light of wisdom, and the beehive and bees signify the diligence of the academy’s members.
The medal’s circumference bears the inscription “LYCEU DE ARTES E OFÍCIOS” and “RIO DE JANEIRO”. The phrase “LYCEU DE ARTES E OFÍCIOS” means “The Lyceum of Arts and Crafts,” while “RIO DE JANEIRO” refers to the Brazilian city of the same name.
On the reverse side, there is also a circular inscription, “SOCIEDADE PROPAGADORA DAS BELAS ARTES”, along with olive branches. The central text reads “HOMEANAGEM E GRATIDAO DA SOCIEDADE AO SEU PROFESSOR EXEMPLARMENTE ASSIDUO”, meaning “Tribute and gratitude from society to its exemplary and diligent teacher.” The phrase “SOCIEDADE PROPAGADORA DAS BELAS ARTES” refers to an organisation called the “Society for the Propagation of Fine Arts,” which was active in Rio dae Janeiro and known for promoting professional art education.
The “Sociedade Propagadora das Belas Artes” and the “Lyceu de Artes e Ofícios do Rio de Janeiro” were both founded in AD 1856 under the leadership of the renowned architect and educator Francisco Joaquim Béthencourt da Silva. The Lyceum was managed by the society and aimed to provide professional education in arts and crafts, regardless of religion, race, social class, or nationality. It was a pioneer in Brazil’s vocational education system. The academy’s staff were unpaid and focused on promoting professional craftsmanship education, particularly to economically disadvantaged working-class individuals.
物件編號: M354
年代: 公元 1858-1889 年
材質: 24ct 黃金
尺寸: 86.4 x 38.6 x 2.1 mm
重量: 35.65 g
來源: 海瑞德拍賣 2024
這是一枚出自公元19世紀巴西帝國時期,由里約熱內盧美術與工藝學院頒發的獎章,獎章整體為金色,外觀呈蛋型,綬帶下是一個散發光芒的星星,獎章正面有著由圓規、油燈、蜂巢及蜜蜂所組成的浮雕,下方則被橄欖枝圍繞。浮雕中所出現的各個物品所象徵的含意與學院密切相關,如圓規是象徵學院教導美術、工藝技能的背景、冒出火焰的油燈則代表智慧的光芒、而蜂巢及蜜蜂象徵學院成員的勤奮。獎章周圍鐫刻「LYCEU DE ARTES E OFÍCIOS」「 RIO DE JANEIRO」的環形銘文,「LYCEU DE ARTES E OFÍCIOS」意思是「藝術與工藝學院」,「RIO DE JANEIRO」則指的是巴西城市里約熱內盧。
Mônica de Souza Nunes Martins, “Combater a ignorância é defender a liberdade”: as relações entre a Associação Comercial do Rio de Janeiro e o Liceu de Artes e Ofícios no Império,” Educar em Revista,34(67), 2018, p. 265–281
Prado, Carlos Henrique Mattos do, “Laboriosa mocidade, emblema da Virtude, da Honestidade e do Progresso”: o caso do Liceu de Artes e Ofícios do Rio de Janeiro (1856 – 1861),”(M.Ed. dissertation, State University of Rio de Janeiro, 2021)