Republic of Liguria

96 Lire



Item number: A1350

Year: AD 1803

Material: Gold

Size: 31.8 x 31.8 mm

Manufactured by: Mint of Genoa

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2024

This is a gold coin with a face value of 96 Lire, issued in AD 1803 by the Ligurian Republic, a puppet state established by Napoleon Bonaparte with Genoa as its capital.

The obverse of this coin features a seated goddess figure, facing left, symbolising the Ligurian Republic. She wears a crown and holds a long spear in her right hand, while her left hand supports a shield adorned with the republic’s cross emblem. The goddess is seated on a square pedestal, beneath which lies a protractor, signifying precision and governance. Below this, the name of Genoa’s chief engraver, Girolamo Vassallo, is inscribed as “Vassallo”. At the base of the design, the denomination “L.96” (96 Lire) is clearly engraved. Surrounding the imagery, the Latin inscription “REPUBLICA. LIGURE. AN. VI” identifies the issuing authority (the Ligurian Republic) and the year 6 of the Republican calendar.

The reverse of this coin prominently displays the ancient fasces, a symbol of unity and authority from Roman times. At the top of the fasces, an axe is adorned with a Phrygian cap, an enduring emblem of Republican ideals and liberty. The entire motif is encircled by a laurel wreath, signifying victory and triumph. Below the fasces, the Gregorian year of issuance, “1803,” is engraved. Surrounding the design is the Ligurian Republic’s motto in Italian, “NELL’UNIONE LA FORZA” (In Unity, Strength).

In AD 1797, the once-thriving maritime and commercial state of the Republic of Genoa, located in northwestern Italy, was invaded by French forces under Napoleon Bonaparte. Following the invasion, the Ligurian Republic, a puppet state aligned with France, was established in its place. However, by AD 1805, the Ligurian Republic was dissolved and annexed into the French Empire. After Napoleon’s defeat in AD 1814, the Genoese aristocracy briefly restored the Republic of Genoa under the protection of British forces. Yet, in accordance with the terms of the Congress of Vienna in AD 1815, Genoa was absorbed into the Kingdom of Sardinia, bringing an end to its long-standing independence.

物件編號: A1350

年代: 公元 1803 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 31.8 x 31.8 mm

製造地: 熱內亞造幣廠

來源: 福君錢幣 2024


錢幣正面是面朝左邊,側坐在方形底座的女神像。女神配戴著一頂王冠,右手握著一柄長矛,左手托著以共和國的十字圖騰裝飾之盾牌。方形底座下方有一個量角器,以及熱內亞首席雕刻家吉羅拉莫·瓦薩洛的姓氏戳記「Vassallo」。浮雕的下方標示面額「L.96」(96里拉),周圍的拉丁銘文「REPUBLICA. LIGURE. AN. VI」為發行的年份「利古里亞共和國6年」。

錢幣背面是古羅馬時代就寓意團結的束棒圖騰,頂端的斧頭還插著一頂象徵共和精神的佛里幾亞無邊便帽,並以象徵勝利的月桂花環作為背景。束棒下方為錢幣發行的公元年份「1803」,周圍是共和國的格言「NELL ‘UNIONE LA FORZA」(團結一致強大)。


類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 大英博物館 The British Museum

美國 錢幣學會 American Numismatic Society

