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1 Dime
Item number: A1362
Year: AD 1945
Material: Silver
Size: 15.1 x 15.1 mm
Manufactured by: Denver Mint
Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2024
This is an AD 1945 silver coin commonly known as the “Mercury Dime,” minted by the United States between AD 1916 and AD 1945.
The obverse of the coin features a left-facing portrait of Liberty, wearing a winged Phrygian cap, symbolising freedom of thought. This imagery closely resembles Mercury, the Roman messenger god, which is why the coin is popularly known as the “Mercury Dime.” Below the portrait is the minting year, “1945”. To the left is the American motto, “IN GOD WE TRUST,” and to the right, the overlapping “AAW” monogram represents the initials of the engraver, Adolph A. Weinman. The word “LIBERTY” is inscribed along the upper edge of the coin.
The reverse of the coin features fasces, a bundle of rods symbolising unity and strength, surrounded by an olive branch representing peace. To the lower left of the fasces is the mint mark: “D” for the Denver Mint, “S” for the San Francisco Mint, or no mark for coins minted at the Philadelphia Mint. To the right of the fasces is the Latin motto “E· PLURIBUS UNUM,” meaning “Out of Many, One.” Encircling the design, the upper edge bears the inscription “UNITED. STATES. OF. AMERICA,” while the denomination “ONE DIME” is engraved along the lower edge.
錢幣正面是自由女神的左側肖像,女神頭上戴著以翅膀裝飾的佛里幾亞無邊便帽。由於這個形象跟羅馬神話中,負責傳遞訊息的墨丘利相仿,故這枚錢幣又被稱作「墨丘利十美分」。人像的頸部下方為出廠年份「1945」,左側的英文銘文為美國格言「IN GOD WE TRUST」(我們信仰上帝),右側是重疊設計的「AAW」戳記為雕刻師阿道夫·亞歷山大·溫曼的姓名縮寫。人像上緣則有英文「LIBERTY」(自由) 字樣。
錢幣背面為一根為橄欖枝圍繞的束棒,束棒在古羅馬寓意著團結的精神。於束棒的左下角是丹佛造幣廠戳記「D」,若是舊金山造幣廠為「S」,費城造幣廠則沒有任何戳記。束棒右側的拉丁銘文為美國格言「E· PLURIBUS UNUM」(合眾為一)。周圍的上緣為美國國號「UNITED. STATES. OF. AMERICA」(美利堅合眾國),下緣則是硬幣的面額「ONE DIME」(十美分)。