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Republice of Cuba
José Julián Martí Pérez
4 Pesos
Item number: A1381
Year: AD 1916
Material: Gold
Size: 17.4 x 17.4 mm
Manufactured by: Philadelphia Mint
Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2024
This 4-pesos gold coin, minted in Cuba in AD 1916, represents a significant numismatic artefact of early 20th-century Cuban national identity. Notably, during the 18th century, Cuban coinage was not produced domestically but was manufactured at the Philadelphia Mint in the United States, with the coin dies meticulously crafted by the chief engraver, Charles E. Barber.
The obverse of the coin portrays José Julián Martí Pérez (28 January AD 1853 – 19 May AD 1895), a pivotal national hero instrumental in Cuba’s independence movement. A prolific writer, revolutionary, and political theorist, Martí founded influential publications such as Patria Libre and Patria, advocating for national liberation. His revolutionary trajectory encompassed periods of imprisonment, exile, and clandestine political organising, culminating in the independence war of AD 1895, during which he tragically fell in combat. The portrait is encircled by the Spanish inscription “PATRIA Y LIBERTAD,” meaning “Homeland and Liberty.”
The reverse of the coin features the Cuban national coat of arms, a heraldic design of profound symbolic significance. Composed of three primary elements—a vertical fasces, a liberty cap, and surrounding laurel and oak branches—the emblem eloquently represents Cuba’s geographical positioning within the Caribbean region. Designed by Cuban patriotic poet Miguel Teurbe Tolón and officially sanctioned by parliamentary decree on 24 April AD 1906, this heraldic representation remarkably persisted through the Cuban Revolution, rendering it unique among communist states for its complete absence of socialist iconographical elements. The heraldic shield is encircled by the Spanish inscription “REPÚBLICA DE CUBA,” meaning “Republic of Cuba,” and “CUATRO PESOS,” referring to “four pesos,” the currency unit in circulation during a specific period.
物件編號: A1381
年代: 公元 1916 年
材質: 黃金
尺寸: 17.4 x 17.4 mm
製造地: 費城造幣廠
來源: 福君錢幣 2024
這是一枚價4披索的古巴的金幣,為公元1916年純金打造,純度可高達90%,值得一提的是在公元18世紀的古巴並不是在自己的國家鑄造金幣,而是在美國費城鑄造廠生產,硬幣模具則由當時的首席雕刻師查爾.愛德華.包伯(Charles E. Barber)製作。
錢幣的正面肖像畫為古巴的民族英雄,荷西·胡利安·馬蒂·裴瑞茲(José Julián Martí Pérez,公元1853年1月28日—1895年5月19日),公元1868年開始參加民族運動先後創辦了《自由祖國》《祖國報》,宣揚革命獨立。 公元1870年被捕罰作苦役,次年流放西班牙;期間學習法律和哲學;並用詩歌表達反對西班牙殖民主義,於公元1878年回到古巴繼續反對殖民統治,並於失敗後流亡美國紐約,於公元1894年率領武裝小隊登陸古巴失敗,接著在公元1895年發動古巴獨立戰爭於同年6月中陣亡。環繞在頭像周圍的文字同為西班牙文「PATRIA Y LIBERTAD 」意思是「祖國與自由」。
錢幣背面的圖像為古巴國徽,盾由三個部分組成,後豎的束棒,頂部的自由之帽,以及周圍的月桂葉及橡樹枝條,國徽的圖案顯示了古巴島以及加勒比海的地理位置,盾牌的左右兩側為櫟樹枝和月桂葉樹枝,其象徵著古巴共和國的長生和勝利,國徽是由古巴愛國詩人米格爾.特烏爾韋.多隆(Miguel Teurbe tolón)設計,並於公元1906年4月24日由議會批准使用,古巴革命後沿用此國徽,是目前共產主義國家唯一沒有使用任何社會主義紋章的盾徽,在盾徽的周圍為西班牙文「REPUBLICA DE CUBA」 意思是「古巴共和國」,「CUATRO PESOS 」為當時的流通貨幣4披索。