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Kingdom of Hungary
Joseph II
2 Ducat Gold Coin
Item number: A1397
Year: AD 1787
Material: Gold
Size: 22.5 x 22.5 mm
Manufactured by: Kremnitz(Kremnica)
Provenance: Fuchin coin 2024
This is a 2-Ducat gold coin minted in AD 1787 during the reign of Emperor Joseph II of the Holy Roman Empire, who was also the King of Hungary. The coin was issued in the name of the Kingdom of Hungary. It features a serrated edge, with the obverse displaying a right-profile portrait of Joseph II wearing a laurel crown. Surrounding the image is the Latin inscription: “IOSEPH II D G R I S A G H B REX”, which translates to “Joseph II, by the Grace of God, Emperor of the Romans, Ever-August, King of Hungary and Bohemia.” Below this inscription is the mintmark “B”, referring to the coinage factory in Kremnitz, Hungary (now Kremnica, located in Slovakia). On the reverse side, the imperial double-headed eagle is depicted, with its crown, sword, and sceptre, alongside a shield bearing the heraldic arms of the Habsburg dominions. The inscription surrounding the eagle reads: “ARCHID AVST DUX BURG CO TYR 1787”, meaning “Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy, Count of Tyrol, AD 1787.” Below the eagle is a circular mark with the number “2,” denoting the coin’s denomination.
Emperor Joseph II, the son of Empress Maria Theresa, who was the only female ruler of the Habsburg family, succeeded to the throne in AD 1765. He co-reigned with his mother until her death in AD 1780. Unlike his conservative mother, Joseph II implemented a series of Enlightenment-inspired reforms, including the abolition of serfdom, kerbing papal influence over imperial Catholic affairs, stripping privileges from Catholic bishops, promoting public education, and ending press censorship. These progressive policies earned him the title of an enlightened despot.
However, Joseph II’s reforms, particularly the imposition of German as the sole official language and his attempts to merge the empire’s diverse ethnic groups, provoked significant resistance, especially from the Hungarian nobility. His policies, which alienated both the church and the different ethnic groups, led to widespread discontent and diminished his influence. Further, his military campaigns against the Ottoman Empire faltered, coinciding with widespread famine and natural disasters across Europe, which led to uprisings in Hungary and other territories. As a result, his later reign was marred by poor public perception.
物件編號: A1397
年代: 公元 1787 年
材質: 黃金
尺寸: 22.5 x 22.5 mm
製造地: 克雷姆尼茨(克雷姆尼察)
來源: 福君錢幣 2024
這是一枚神聖羅馬帝國皇帝約瑟夫二世(兼任匈牙利國王)在位期間於公元1787年鑄造之2達克特金幣,並以匈牙利王國名義發行。金幣為齒狀邊緣,正面為頭戴月桂冠的約瑟夫二世右側側面肖像,周圍的環狀銘文則以拉丁文書寫著:「IOSEPH II D G R I S A G H B REX」,其完整全文應是:「Joseph II, Dei Gratia Romanorum Imperator Semper Augustus Hungariae Bohemiaeque Rex.」,意思是:「由上帝之恩,神聖羅馬皇帝,永久至尊,匈牙利與波希米亞之王。」下方標記有「B」,代表匈牙利克雷姆尼茨(現今名為克雷姆尼察,位於斯洛伐克境內)的鑄幣廠,其現今。背面則有代表神聖羅馬帝國的雙頭鷹,其頭戴皇冠、一手持劍、一手持權杖,胸前有一盾牌刻有哈布斯堡王朝不同領地的紋章,象徵著帝國對各個領地的控制。周圍的環形銘文寫著:「ARCHID AVST DUX BURG CO TYR 1787」,意思是:「奧地利大公、勃艮第公爵、蒂羅爾伯爵,公元1787年。」雙頭鷹下方有一個圓形標記,內部寫了一個「2」,為這枚錢幣之面值。
Thomas Michael, Standard Catalogue Of World Coins 1701-1800 7th Edition(Stevens Point: Krause Publications, 2016)
Friedberg, Robert, Gold coins of the world : complete from 600 A.D. to the present : an illustrated standard catalogue with valuations ( New York:Coin and Currency Institute , 1980)
R.J.W. Evans, Austria, Hungary, and the Habsburgs: Central Europe c.1683-1867 ( Oxford:Oxford University Press , 2008)