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Kingdom of Hungary
Maria Theresa
2 Ducat Gold Coin
Item number: A1398
Year: AD 1765
Material: Gold
Size: 24.2 x 24.2 mm
Manufactured by: Kremnitz(Kremnica)
Provenance: Fuchin coin 2024
This is a 2-Ducat gold coin minted during the reign of Empress Maria Theresa of the Holy Roman Empire and Queen of Hungary. The coin features a serrated edge, with the obverse depicting a standing monarch in opulent attire, complete with a sword at the waist. In the left hand, the monarch holds the orb, while the right hand grasps the sceptre. Surrounding this central figure is a Latin inscription that reads: “MARIA THERESIA DEI GRATIA ROMANORVM IMPERATRIX GERMANIÆ HVNGARIÆ BOHEMIÆ REGINA ARCHIDVX AVSTRIÆ DVX BVRGVNDIÆ COMES TYROLIS,” which translates to “Maria Theresa, by the grace of God, Empress of the Romans, Queen of Germany, Hungary, and Bohemia, Archduchess of Austria, Duchess of Burgundy, Countess of Tyrol.” The initials “K” and “B” on either side of the monarch refer to the mint of Kremnitz (now Kremnica, Slovakia), where the coin was struck.
On the reverse, the crowned Madonna, seated and radiant, holds the glorified child on her right arm, with the orb in her left hand and a sceptre in her right. Below her is the crowned Hungarian coat of arms. The surrounding inscription reads: “PATRONA · REGNI · HUNGARIÆ · 1765,” which translates as “Patroness of the Kingdom of Hungary, AD 1765.”
As the only female ruler of the Holy Roman Empire, Maria Theresa was both a staunch conservative and a loyal follower of the Roman Catholic Church, rejecting the Enlightenment ideas emanating from France and opposing Protestant elites. At the same time, she sought to assert royal control over the Church’s revenues, curtail the autonomy of monasteries, and diminish papal influence, strengthening the monarch’s position in religious affairs.
In her efforts to maintain stability within the Empire, which governed a diverse array of ethnic groups, Maria Theresa promoted the Hungarian nobility, incorporating them into the military and strengthening their role in the governance of the Empire. She also acknowledged Hungary’s autonomous status, incorporated certain territories into the Kingdom of Hungary, and introduced reforms to address long-standing issues such as the heavy tax burden on peasants, while exempting the nobility from taxes. As a result, the Hungarian people, during her reign, grew increasingly aligned with the authority of the imperial monarchy.
物件編號: A1398
年代: 公元 1765 年
材質: 黃金
尺寸: 24.2 x 24.2 mm
製造地: 克雷姆尼茨(克雷姆尼察)
來源: 福君錢幣 2024
這是一枚於神聖羅馬帝國皇后瑪麗亞·特蕾莎(兼任匈牙利女王)在位時期所鑄造的2達克特金幣,其邊緣為齒狀設計,金幣正面為一位站立的君王穿著華麗服裝,腰間配劍,左手持十字聖球,右手持權杖。周圍則有一圈環狀銘文,以拉丁文書寫:「瑪麗亞·特蕾莎,蒙上帝恩典,羅馬皇后,德國女王,匈牙利女王,波希米亞女王,奧地利大公,勃艮第公爵,提洛伯爵」,其完整原文應是:「MARIA THERESIA DEI GRATIA ROMANORVM IMPERATRIX GERMANIÆ HVNGARIÆ BOHEMIÆ REGINA ARCHIDVX AVSTRIÆ DVX BVRGVNDIÆ COMES TYROLIS」。站立的君王左右側分別有「K」「B」2字,是代表此金幣由匈牙利克雷姆尼茨(現今名為克雷姆尼察,位於斯洛伐克境內)的鑄幣廠鑄造。金幣背面則可看到已加冕的聖母保持坐姿並散發著光芒,右臂抱著充滿光輝的聖嬰;左手持十字聖球,右手持權杖,其下方則是頂戴皇冠的匈牙利紋章。周圍的圓形銘文則寫著:「PATRONA · REGNI · HUNGARIÆ · 1765」,意思是:「匈牙利王國的守護者,公元1765年」。
Thomas Michael, Standard Catalogue Of World Coins 1701-1800 7th Edition(Stevens Point: Krause Publications, 2016)
Friedberg, Robert, Gold coins of the world : complete from 600 A.D. to the present : an illustrated standard catalogue with valuations ( New York:Coin and Currency Institute , 1980)
R.J.W. Evans, Austria, Hungary, and the Habsburgs: Central Europe c.1683-1867 ( Oxford:Oxford University Press , 2008)