Kingdom of Italy

Vittorio Emanuele II

20 lira



20 里拉

Item number: A1385

Year: AD 1862

Material: Gold

Size: 19.1 x 19.1 mm

Manufactured by: Mint of Turin

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2024

This is a 20-lira gold coin, minted in AD 1862 and designed by the engraver Giuseppe Ferraris. Based on the mint marks “T” and “BN” on the reverse side, it can be identified as having been produced at the Turin Mint in northern Italy. Turin, the third-largest city in Italy, is a significant industrial centre and is often referred to as the cradle of Italian liberty due to its highly internationalised culture and historical importance.

The obverse of the coin features the Italian inscription and portrait of King Vittorio Emanuele II (14 March AD 1820 – 9 January AD 1878), the first monarch of a unified Italy. Born in Piedmont and a member of the Kingdom of Sardinia, his full name was Vittorio Emanuele Maria Alberto Eugenio Ferdinando Tommaso di Savoia. His reign marked the culmination of the Italian unification movement.

The reverse depicts the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Italy, symbolised by the emblem of the House of Savoy, which ruled the Kingdom of Italy from AD 1861 to 1946. The inscription surrounding the shield reads “REGNO D’ITALIA,” meaning “Kingdom of Italy.” The House of Savoy played a pivotal role in Italian history, particularly during the 18th century, when Vittorio Amedeo II of Savoy secured territorial gains in northeastern Italy and was granted the title of King, initially of Sicily and later of Sardinia.

Italian unification, known as the Risorgimento, refers to the 19th-century political and social movement that unified the fragmented states of the Italian Peninsula into a single nation-state. Inspired by the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars (AD 1796–AD 1815), the movement gained momentum as Italian states sought greater unity and independence from foreign dominance. Following Napoleon’s defeat in AD 1815, Italian territories returned to their former rulers but began fostering a collective sense of national identity. The failed revolutions of AD 1848 redirected efforts towards Piedmont, which, with French assistance, defeated the Austrian Empire in AD 1859. The process culminated in AD 1861 with the annexation of most Italian states, followed by the incorporation of Venetia in AD 1866 and Papal Rome in AD 1870. These events marked the completion of Italian unification and the end of the Risorgimento.

物件編號: A1385

年代: 公元 1862 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 19.1 x 19.1 mm

製造地: 杜林鑄造廠

來源: 福君錢幣 2024

這是一枚公元1862年鑄造的20里拉金幣,由當時的雕刻家朱塞佩·法拉利斯(Giuseppe Ferraris)設計,根據硬幣背面的鑄造廠花押「T 」和 「BN」,可以得知這枚硬幣是在義大利的杜林(Turin)鑄造廠生產,杜林是位於義大利北部的第三大城市,是非常重要的工業地區,也因高度國際化被稱為義大利自由的搖籃。

硬幣的正面的義大利文及肖像,為當時的統治者維多·伊曼紐二世(Vittorio Emanuele II, 公元1820年3月14日- 公元 1878年1月9日),維多·伊曼紐二世全名為薩伏伊的維多·伊曼紐·瑪麗亞·阿爾貝托·尤金尼奧·費迪南多·托馬索(Vittorio Emanuele Maria Alberto Eugenio Ferdinando Tommaso di Savoia),出生於皮埃蒙特,隸屬於當時的薩丁尼亞王國。是義大利統一後的第一任國王。

硬幣背面的盾牌為當時義大利國徽 ; 即薩伏依王朝(The house of Savoia)的標誌,於公元1861年到1946年統治義大利王國。在公元18世紀左右該家族的維托里奧·阿梅迪奧二世(Vittorio Amedeo II)獲得了義大利東北部的領土,並獲得國王頭銜,在公元1713年正名為西西里國王。公元1720年薩伏依王室讓出其西西里王國的統治權,作為交薩伏依王室將成為薩丁尼亞王國,圍繞著盾牌的文字為義大利文「REGNO D’ITALIA」意思是「義大利王國」。

義大利半島統一,又稱為義大利復興運動(Risorgimento) ,是指公元19世紀義大利半島各個國家統一為義大利的政治及社會過程,主要契機是受到法國大革命及拿破崙戰爭(公元1796-1815)的影響,慢慢促使義大利半島的國家開始團結,當拿破崙在公元1815年戰敗後,義大利人脫離法國控制並回歸原統治者,多個義大利半島的國家便開始推動統一的義大利這個概念。公元1848年發起革名反抗奧地利王國及哈布斯堡王朝,最終以失敗收場,領導者將重心轉移至皮埃蒙特,在公元1859年在法國人的幫助下擊敗奧地利王國,也最終在公元1861年合併了大部分義大利國家,公元1866年威尼托地區的併入以及公元1870年教皇統治的羅馬被併吞,標誌著意大利最終完成統一,也宣告「義大利復興運動」(Risorgimento)的結束。

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