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United Kingdom
George III
1 Dollar Silver Token
(5 Shillings)
Item number: A1393
Year: AD 1804
Material: Sliver
Size: 39.8 x 39.8 x 2.0 mm
Weight: 26.05 g
Manufactured by: Soho Mint
Provenance: Fuchin coin 2024
This is a silver token struck in the year AD 1804 at the Soho Mint, with a denomination of five shillings. The obverse features a laureate, draped bust of King George III facing right, surrounded by the Latin inscription “GEORGIUS III DEI GRATIA REX,” which translates to “George the Third, King, by the Grace of God.” The reverse depicts Britannia seated, facing left, holding an olive branch in her right hand and a spear in her left. Beside her is a shield bearing the Union flag, with a beehive to the left and a cornucopia to the right. All of these symbols are encompassed within a castellated “crown” made up of five circular stone turrets. The surrounding inscription reads “BANK OF ENGLAND FIVE SHILLINGS DOLLAR 1804.”
In AD 1804, the outbreak of the Napoleonic Wars exacerbated an already existing shortage of silver coins in Britain. As a result, the Bank of England was authorised to overstrike Spanish dollars, revaluing them at five shillings. The Bank employed James Watt’s steam engine technology to develop a press capable of quickly removing the original Spanish designs and replacing them with a new British design. These overstruck coins were minted between AD 1804 and AD 1811, though all bear the date 1804.
As the price of silver rose, the Bank’s dollars quickly gained value, prompting the Bank to announce that it would accept its 5 shillings dollars at a rate of 5 shillings and 6 pence. In AD 1811, plans were revealed for new tokens in denominations of 5 shillings and 6 pence, 3 shillings, and 1 shilling and 6 pence. By the end of AD 1816, the extensive recoinage at the Mint was nearly complete, and the Bank coins, which had amounted to nearly £4.5 million, were soon withdrawn from circulation.
物件編號: A1393
年代: 公元 1804 年
材質: 銀
尺寸: 39.8 x 39.8 x 2.0 mm
重量: 26.05 g
製造地: 蘇荷鑄幣廠
來源: 福君錢幣 2024
這是一枚公元1804年於蘇荷鑄幣廠所鑄造的1元銀代幣,其面值為5先令,銀幣正面展示喬治三世戴桂冠、披袍的右臉像,周圍環繞拉丁文銘文「GEORGIUS III DEI GRATIA REX」,意為「蒙上帝之恩,喬治三世國王」。背面則可見面向左邊,呈現坐姿的不列顛尼亞。她右手持橄欖枝,左手持矛,身旁有聯合旗幟的盾牌、左邊有蜂箱、右邊有豐饒角,所有圖案置於由五座圓形石塔組成的城堡式「皇冠」的環繞下。圖案四周刻有「BANK OF ENGLAND FIVE SHILLINGS DOLLAR 1804」的銘文。