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Almoravid Dynasty
Ali Ibn Yusuf
Gold Dinar
Item number: A1334
Year: AD 1106-1142
Material: Gold
Size: 23.8 x 23.8 mm
Weight: 3.95 g
Provenance: Heritage Auctions 2024
This is a dinar gold coin minted during the reign of Ali ibn Yusuf, the fifth emir of the Almoravid dynasty, which once spanned the Maghreb region of North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. Ali ibn Yusuf ruled from AD 1106 to AD 1143.
The obverse design of the coin features two concentric circles. At the centre, written in a localised variant of Arabic Kufic script known as Maghrebi, is the Muslim Shahada declaration: “لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله” (There is no deity but God, Muhammad is the Messenger of God). Below this is the emir’s title and name, Ali ibn Yusuf. The outer circular inscription consists of selected verses from the Qur’an.
The reverse of the coin also features a two-concentric-circle design. At the centre are inscriptions commonly used on Almoravid dinars, emphasising the ruler’s religious authority: “الامام” (Al-Imam), “عبد الله” (Abd Allah), and “أمير المؤمنين” (Commander of the Faithful). The outer inscription details the coin’s minting location and the Islamic Hijri year, crafted in the name of God.
The Almoravid dynasty was an Islamic empire established by the Sanhaja Berbers of North Africa in the 11th century. At its peak, the dynasty controlled the Maghreb region of North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. Due to its dominance over the trans-Saharan gold trade, which linked West Africa with the Mediterranean, the Almoravid dinar became widely accepted in both Europe and the Islamic world.
During the reign of Ali ibn Yusuf, the Battle of Ourique occurred in AD 1139 between the Almoravid dynasty and the County of Portugal. In this pivotal conflict, Afonso I, the Count of Portugal, defeated a numerically superior Almoravid force and killed five Taifa rulers (local governors) of the Almoravid dynasty. This victory not only secured his independence from Almoravid influence but also marked a decisive step in the establishment of the Kingdom of Portugal.
錢幣正面設計為兩道同心圓,以本土化的阿拉伯庫法書法變體「馬格里布體」,於正中央打印穆斯林熟悉的清真言禱詞「لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله」即「萬物非主,唯有真主,穆罕默德是真主唯一的使者」,下半段則是阿里·伊本·優素福的埃米爾頭銜和名諱,外圍的環形銘文則是節錄自《古蘭經》章節。
Ronald A. Messier, “The Almoravids: West African Gold and the Gold Currency of the Mediterranean Basin,” Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 1974, pp. 31-47
Ronald A. Messier, “Quantitative Analysis of Almoravid Dinars,” Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 1980, pp. 102-118
Michael Mitchiner, Oriental Coins and Their Values: The World of Islam (London: Hawkins Publications, 1977)