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Almohad Dynasty
Abu Hafs Umar al-Murtada
Gold Dinar
Item number: A1339
Year: AD 1248-1266
Material: Gold
Size: 29.4 x 28.8 mm
Weight: 4.58 g
Provenance: Heritage Auctions 2024
This is a gold dinar minted by Abu Hafs Umar al-Murtada, the 13th caliph of the Almohad dynasty, who reigned from AD 1248 to AD 1266 in the Maghreb region of North Africa.
The Almohad dynasty, founded by the theologian Ibn Tumart, who proclaimed himself as the Mahdi, emerged from a Berber background. In order to distinguish itself from the preceding Almoravid dynasty, the Almohad caliphate introduced reforms in coinage, becoming the first Islamic regime to incorporate rectangular shapes into coin designs. Numismatists believe that the adoption of rectangular motifs served not only as a political distinction but also as a reflection of Islamic religious beliefs. The rectangle symbolises the Kaaba in Mecca, one of the holiest sites in Islam, and represents the early period of Islam, specifically the “Rightly Guided Caliphs” era.
The obverse and reverse of this coin feature inscriptions in the softer Naskh script, replacing the more rigid Kufic script traditionally used in Arabic calligraphy. Around the rectangular outline on the obverse, the following titles of Murtada are inscribed in a counterclockwise direction, starting from the top: “امير المومنين المؤمن” (Commander of the Faithful), “بالله المرتضي ابو حفص” (By God, the Satisfied Abu Hafs), “ابن الامير الظاهر” (Son of Prince Al-Zahir), and “ابراهيم ب الخليفتين” (Ibrahim, son of the two caliphs).
Inside the rectangle, the five-line inscription contains the Tasmi and the Shahada prayer, arranged vertically from top to bottom. They read as follows: “بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم” (In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful), “صلى الله على محمد وأله” (May God bless Muhammad and his family), “والحمد لله وحده” (Praise be to God alone), “لا إله إلا الله” (There is no god but God), and “محمد رسول الله” (Muhammad is the Messenger of God).
Around the rectangular outline on the reverse, starting from the top and rotating counterclockwise, the following inscriptions appear: “امير المومنين” (Commander of the Faithful), “ابو يعقوب” (Abu Ya’qub), “يوسف ابن” (Yousef Ibn), and “الخليفه” (The Caliph).
Inside the rectangle, the five-line inscription is arranged vertically from top to bottom, and they read as follows: “المهدي امام الامة” (Mahdi is the Imam of the nation), “القائم بأمر الله” (The one who acts according to God’s command), “الخليفة الإمام” (Caliph Imam), “أبو محمد عبد المومن” (Abu Muhammad Abdul-Mumin), and “ابن علي أمير المؤمنين” (Ibn Ali, Commander of the Faithful).
During Murtada’s reign, the Almohad dynasty’s territory had been reduced to the region around Marrakech in Morocco, and it was forced to pay tribute to the rising Marinid dynasty. In AD 1266, Murtada was overthrown by his cousin Idris al-Wassiq, who was supported by the Marinid dynasty. However, in AD 1269, the Almohad dynasty was finally conquered by the Marinid dynasty, bringing an end to its rule.
矩形內部的五行銘文則是太斯米和清真言禱詞,從上而下,分別是「بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم」 (奉至仁至慈的真主之名)、「صلى الله على محمد وأله」(願真主賜福穆罕默德及其家族)、「والحمد لله وحده」(讚美唯獨真主)、「لا إله إلا الله」(萬物非主,唯有真主) 和「محمد رسول الله」 (穆罕默德是真主的使者)。
矩形內部的五行銘文從上而下,分別是「المهدي امام الامة」(馬赫迪是國家的伊瑪目)、「القائم بأمر الله」(遵行真主旨令的人)、「الخليفة الإمام」(哈里發伊瑪目)、「أبو محمد عبد المومن」(阿布·穆罕默德·阿卜杜勒-穆民) 和「ابن علي أمير المؤمنين」 (伊本·阿里,信士的指揮官)。