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Qing Dynasty
Manchu Disc Weight
Item number: X13
Year: AD 1636-1912
Material: Brass
Size: 100.5 x 100.5 x 5.7 mm
Weight: 321.3 g
Provenance: Teutoburger Münzauktion GmbH 2023
This is a brass weight from the Qing Dynasty, featuring a concentric circular disk design with a central perforation. It weighs approximately 321 grams. The exact production date of this weight remains uncertain, but the presence of two Manchu characters on its obverse suggests it dates to the Qing period. It was likely intended specifically for use by “Banner People” (Manchus) rather than Han Chinese.
If it had been designed for the Han population, it would typically include both Manchu script (as the official language) and Chinese characters to facilitate broader circulation and usage. Additionally, the obverse of the weight bears a marking resembling the Arabic numeral “0.”