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French Flashlight
Item number: X19
Year: ND
Material: Metal and Glass
Size: 76.7 x 24.4 mm
Weight: 63.25 g
Provenance: Private Collector, France, 2021
This is a flashlight manufactured in France during the first half of the 20th century. Both the lower section of the cylindrical body and the base disk are stamped with the French text: “LAMPE ‘CARTOUCHE’ BTEE S.G.D.G.” The phrase “LAMPE ‘CARTOUCHE'” translates literally to “cartridge lamp,” referring to its cylindrical shape, while the latter part, “BTEE S.G.D.G,” denotes a patent system used in France from AD 1844 to AD 1968.
This flashlight has been modified by a collector, who repurposed the battery compartment into a coin storage container, showcasing its versatility and continued utility as a collectible item.