Third French Republic

Restoration of Count of Chambord Satirical Button

(F.I.A Version)




Item number: X9

Year: AD 1870-1883

Material: Silver

Size: 29.0 x 29.0 x 9.0 mm

Weight: 7.0 g

Provenance: Private Collector, France, 2024

This is a satirical button made of silver, likely issued during the French Third Republic, mocking the failed restoration attempt of Henry V (Count of Chambord).

The above speculation is based on the button’s issuance date, with the fleur-de-lis decoration on the obverse side possibly corresponding to Henry V’s (Count of Chambord) brief and ultimately unsuccessful restoration attempt following the Franco-Prussian War. The imagery may reflect this historical period, symbolising the failed Bourbon restoration and Henry’s failed efforts to reclaim the French throne.

The scene depicted on the obverse side of the button takes place in a bedroom adorned with wallpaper featuring fleur-de-lis, symbolising the Bourbon dynasty. Henry, dressed in a nightgown and cap, leans on the bed, with a chamber pot placed underneath, as he lifts his robes to receive an enema from a doctor. The reverse side of the button is stamped with the manufacturer’s trademark “F.I.A.FES BREVE TÉS S.G D.G.”

During the 19th century, with the rise of the printing press, magazines and newspapers often employed exaggerated imagery to critique current events and capture public attention. This button, laden with crude and dark humour, serves as a prime example of such satirical commentary.

Henry V (Count of Chambord) was born in AD 1820 and was the last legitimate male heir of the French Bourbon dynasty. At the time, France oscillated between republicanism and monarchy, with even the monarchy divided by competing claims from the Bourbon, Orléans, and Bonapartist factions. After Louis-Philippe I of the Orléans branch was chosen to establish the July Monarchy on August 16, AD 1830, Henry V was forced into exile in Austria, where he continued to assert his claim to the French throne.

On September 2, AD 1870, following the disastrous defeat of the Second French Empire under Napoleon III in the Franco-Prussian War, monarchists became the majority in the French parliament. More significantly, the Orléans faction agreed to support Henry V’s return as King of France. However, Henry’s staunch opposition to republican ideals and his insistence on abolishing the tricolour flag in favour of restoring the Bourbon fleur-de-lis emblem caused the restoration effort to collapse. This impasse ultimately solidified the Third French Republic, which was initially intended to be a temporary regime. Pope Pius IX, who strongly supported Henry’s restoration, lamented the outcome, famously remarking, “And all that, all that for a napkin!”

Reflecting on the scene depicted on this button, it may serve as a political metaphor, using the medical procedure of an enema to mock Henry V. The satire suggests that Henry should awaken from his dream of Bourbon legitimacy, symbolically purge himself of his stubborn adherence to the past, and accept the reality of republicanism as a path toward political “health.”

In AD 1883, Henry passed away at the age of 63 in his Austrian residence, marking the extinction of the legitimate male line of the French Bourbon dynasty. On his deathbed, he finally recognised the Orléans faction as the rightful leaders of the French royal family.

物件編號: X9

年代: 公元 1870-1883 年


尺寸: 29.0 x 29.0 x 9.0 mm

重量: 7.0 g

來源: 法國私人收藏 2024

這是一枚可能在法蘭西第三共和國時期,嘲諷亨利五世 (香波伯爵) 失敗的復辟所發行的諷刺鈕扣,材質為銀。


鈕扣正面的場景發生在以象徵波旁王朝的百合花飾為壁紙的臥室,穿著睡袍和睡帽的亨利扶著床,床底下還放著一個夜壺,掀起自己的屁股接受醫生的灌腸療法。鈕扣背面則打印製造商商標「F.I.A.FES BREVE TÉS S.G D.G.」。印刷業普及的公元19世紀,雜誌和報紙流行以浮誇的表現手法針砭時事吸引大眾的注意,這枚帶有粗俗和黑色幽默的鈕扣正是其中一個案例。

亨利五世 (香波伯爵) 出生於公元1820年,為法國波旁王朝的最後一位嫡系男嗣血脈。然而彼時法國國內在共和和帝制之間擺盪,甚至連帝制都有波旁、紐奧良和波拿巴等正統之爭的混亂。公元1830年8月16日,法國推舉紐奧良分支的路易-菲利普一世建立七月王朝後,亨利五世被迫流亡奧地利但仍持續聲張自己的王位合法權。公元1870年9月2日,拿破崙三世創立的第二帝國在普法戰爭大敗後,法國國內的保皇黨成為議會多數,更重要的是紐奧良派也願意支持亨利五世回歸擔任法國國王。然而厭惡共和思想的亨利堅持要取消三色旗及恢復波旁王朝的百合花飾導致復辟陷入僵局,致使原先作為臨時性的法蘭西第三共和國成為正式國體,極力支持亨利復辟的教宗庇護九世為此感嘆:「只是為了那麼一塊破布!」


類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 皇家內科醫學院博物館 Royal College of Physicians Museum

英國 亨利·韋爾科姆爵士博物館 Sir Henry Wellcome’s Museum

