Turkestan Governor-Generalship Village Chief Badge

(Full Size), Alexander III era




Item number: M390

Year: AD 1886

Material: Bronze

Size: 51.3 x 44.6 x 2.8 mm

Weight: 40.8 g

Provenance: Stack’s Bowers 2024

This is a village chief identity badge issued in AD 1886 by the Turkestan Governor-Generalship, which was established in AD 1867 under the Russian Empire. The jurisdiction of the Turkestan Governor-Generalship covered the territories of the present-day Central Asian countries—Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan—making it the highest administrative unit of the Russian Empire in Central Asia.

The medal is made of bronze and has a circular shape, with a semicircular protrusion at the top featuring two small circular holes for attaching a string. The front of the medal displays the emblem of the Turkestan Governor-Generalship at its centre, featuring a unicorn with its front leg raised, forming the decoration of a shield. Above the shield is a crown, also used as decoration. Surrounding the solid circle is an inscription in Russian, “АУЛЬНЫИ СТАРШИНА,” which translates to “Village Chief.” The reverse side of the medal features the monogram of Tsar Alexander III at the centre, with the surrounding inscription indicating the date of issuance: “1886 ГОДА 12 ГО ІЮНЯ” (June 12, AD 1886).

Unlike the Western European powers, which expanded their colonies via maritime routes due to their proximity to the oceans, Russia, constrained by its geographical environment and historically close interactions with the nomadic peoples of the Eurasian steppe, pursued a different expansion strategy. As early as the 16th century, shortly after Russia freed itself from Mongol rule, the Tsars centred in Moscow began pushing towards the Ural Mountains, which marked the boundary between Europe and Asia, conquering various nomadic khanates along the way. By the 19th century, the Russian Empire, having already conquered the Siberian territories bordering the Pacific, turned its attention southward to Central Asia, aiming to use it as a stepping stone to threaten the British colonies in India. This led to a military and diplomatic rivalry between Russia and Britain in Central Asia, known as the “Great Game,” which lasted until the signing of the Anglo-Russian Convention in AD 1907, establishing spheres of influence for both powers.

After the Russian Empire established the Turkestan Governor-Generalship following its conquest of Central Asia, it took a two-pronged approach. On one hand, it introduced Slavic immigrants, officials, and military personnel from Europe. On the other hand, it implemented a set of regulations to control the Central Asian nomadic and oasis-dwelling Turkic populations, blending local nomadic customs and Islamic law with Russian imperial governance to cultivate local representatives who would serve as intermediaries for the empire. This badge in the collection is a reward and symbol of identity provided by the Russian authorities to local collaborators.

物件編號: M390

年代: 公元 1886 年

材質: 青銅

尺寸: 51.3 x 44.6 x 2.8 mm

重量: 40.8 g

來源: SBP錢幣拍賣 2024

這是一枚公元1886年,俄羅斯帝國轄下的「突厥斯坦總督區」發行的村長身份章。突厥斯坦總督區設置於公元1867年,其轄下的領土涵蓋現今中亞五國 (哈薩克、吉爾吉斯、烏茲別克、塔吉克和土庫曼),為俄羅斯帝國在中亞最高的行政單位。

獎章材質為青銅,外觀為圓形且頂部有一個帶有兩個圓孔的半圓形凸起,用以穿繫繩子。這一枚獎章的正面中央是「突厥斯坦總督區」紋飾,即抬起前腳的獨角獸用作裝飾的盾牌,盾牌上方以一頂王冠作為裝飾。實心圓外圍的俄文銘文「АУЛЬНЫИ СТАРШИНА」即是「村長」頭銜。獎章背面中央是時任沙皇的亞歷山大三世花押簽名,實心圓外圍是獎章頒發的日期「1886 ГОДА 12 ГО ІЮНЯ」(公元1886年6月12日)。




彼德.霍普克(Peter Hopkirk),《帝國的野心:十九世紀英俄帝國中亞大競逐》(台北市:黑體文化,2022)


Adeeb Khalid, “Culture and Power in Colonial Turkestan,” Cahiers d’Asie centrale, 2009, pp. 413-447

Ulrich Hofmeister, “Civilization and Russification in Tsarist Central Asia, 1860–1917,” Journal of World History, 2016, pp. 411-442
