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Army Long Command Medal of Merit
(Full Size), Gold, Republic era
Item number: M369
Year: AD 1948-2024 (Present)
Material: Gold
Size: 39.5 x 34.2 x 1.6 mm
Weight: 30.4 g
Provenance: Czerny’s 2024
This is an “Army Long Command Medal of Merit,” established in AD 1935 to recognise long-serving military officers and non-commissioned officers. The medal is issued in three different materials corresponding to years of service: gold for 20 years, silver for 15 years, and bronze for 10 years. The example held in this collection is a gold medal awarded for 20 years of service.
The obverse of this medal features the national emblem adopted in AD 1948 following Italy’s transition from a monarchy to a republic, which remains in use today. At its centre is a five-pointed star symbolising the Republic, set against a cogwheel representing labour. Surrounding the star are laurel branches symbolising peace and oak branches symbolising strength. The ribbon bears the inscription of the nation’s name, “REPVBBLICA ITALIANA” (Italian Republic). In addition to this version with the republican emblem, the earliest version, issued during World War II, featured the right-facing portrait of King Victor Emmanuel III, who was then King of Italy and Supreme Marshal of the Empire. Encircling the emblem is the circular inscription “AL MERITO DI LUNGO COMANDO,” meaning “For Merit of Long Command.” Below the emblem, there are small hallmarks, including “Z917” and “Z.”
The reverse side of the medal depicts a dagger set against a wreath composed of intertwined laurel and oak leaves.
The circular medal features a loop at the top for attaching the ribbon. The missing ribbon for this medal originally had a blue background with nine white stripes running through the centre.
這枚獎章正面是公元1948年起,從君主制轉變為共和國且沿用迄今的國徽,即正中央是象徵共和國的五角星,置於象徵著勞動者的齒輪上。周圍飾以象徵和平的月桂和象徵力量的橡樹枝條,綬帶上則是國名「REPVBBLICA ITALIANA」(義大利共和國)。除了共和國國徽的版本,最早的版本為第二次大戰期間,義大利時任國王和最高帝國元帥的維多·伊曼紐三世右側肖像。國徽周圍圍繞的環形銘文「AL MERITO DI LUNGO COMANDO」即是「長期指揮功勳」。而在國徽下方尚有一組小型戳記「Z917」和「Z」。
Borna Barac, Reference Catalogue Orders Medals and Decorations of the World : instituted until 1945 : Part III Silver Book G-P (Craotia:OBOL d.o.o. Zagreb, 2013)