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Military Merit Mauritiana Medal
(Full Size), Officer, Republic era
Item number: M367
Year: AD 1954-2024 (Present)
Material: Gold
Size: 111.0 x 35.8 x 2.1 mm
Weight: 36.3 g
Provenance: Czerny’s 2024
This is a military merit medal established in AD 1839 by the Duchy of Savoy, the precursor to the Kingdom of Italy, in the name of the patron Saint Maurice. Between AD 1924 and AD 1935, the medal was made from bronze extracted from captured artillery pieces and was awarded to veterans of World War I. From AD 1935 to AD 1954, the medal was briefly suspended. In AD 1954, after Italy had transitioned to a republic, the reward system was reinstated, and all officers who had served for fifty years in the Italian military became eligible for the medal. This version of the medal was issued after AD 1954, with the officer’s version measuring 36 mm in diameter, while the commander’s version has a diameter of 50 mm.
The medal is circular in shape and made of gold. The obverse features a portrait of Saint Maurice, depicted wearing ancient Roman military attire, riding a majestic horse, and holding a standard in his right hand, with his breastplate decorated with a clover-shaped cross. According to tradition, Saint Maurice was an Egyptian-born general from the Roman era who suffered martyrdom for refusing to carry out the emperor’s order to slaughter Christians. He later became the patron saint of the Duchy of Savoy. Surrounding the portrait is a circular inscription in Italian, “S. MAURIZIO PROTETTORE DELLE NOSTRE ARMI,” meaning “Saint Maurice, Protector of Our Army.”
The reverse of the medal features seven lines of inscription. The top three lines display the recipient’s name, “A ERNESTO SCARPULLE” (Awarded to Ernesto Scarpulle). Below this is a fixed inscription, “PER DIECI LUSTRI NELLA CARRIERA MILITARE BENEMERITO,” meaning “Meritorious for Ten Lustrums in Military Service.” At the bottom edge of the medal is a small hallmark, “Z917.” The top of the medal is connected to a now-faded green ribbon, which has earned the Saint Maurice Medal the nickname “Green Ribbon” due to this distinctive colour.
獎章形制為圓形,材質為黃金。獎章正面雕刻的人像是身穿古羅馬軍裝,騎著駿馬和右手握著的旌旗和胸甲以三葉草十字架裝飾的聖莫里斯。據傳聖莫里斯是一名羅馬時代出身於埃及的黑人將領,因為不願意執行皇帝屠殺基督徒的命令而蒙難,並且在後世成為薩伏伊公國的守護神。人像周圍的環形義大利銘文「S. MAURIZIO PROTETTORE DELLE NOSTRE ARMI」意思是「聖莫里斯軍隊的守護神」。
獎章背面有七行銘文,最上方三行標示受贈者姓名「A ERNESTO SCARPULLE」(贈與埃內斯托·斯卡普爾)。下方則是獎章固定的銘文內容「PER DIECI LUSTRI NELLA CARRIERA MILITARE BENEMERITO」意思是「值得在他的軍事生涯中取得十次勝利」。獎章下緣有一個較為嬌小的戳記「Z917」。獎章頂端銜接著一條早已褪色的綠色綬帶,聖莫里斯獎章以該配色而獲得「綠絲帶」綽號。
Borna Barac, Reference Catalogue Orders Medals and Decorations of the World : instituted until 1945 : Part III Silver Book G-P (Craotia:OBOL d.o.o. Zagreb, 2013)