Russian Withdrawal from World War I Satirical Medal


Item number: M388

Year: AD 1918

Material: Bronze

Size: 55.3 x 55.3 mm

Provenance: Stack’s Bowers 2024

This is a bronze commemorative medal crafted by Karl Goetz, designed to satirise and propagate commentary on World War I events.

The obverse of the medal features a pair of hands holding the Russian imperial crown, filled with war bonds. The papers in the crown bears the inscription “ANLEIHE,” the German word for “bond.” Encircled the edge of the medal, the text reads “1914 –ALLES·FÜR·DEN·GROSSEN·SCHLAG,” which translates roughly to “1914 – All for the Big Strike.” Below the crown, the initials “K” and “G” signify the sculptor, Karl Goetz.

The reverse depicts a weeping John Bull, facing right, while a Russian in the background sweeps war bonds into a trash bin. The bin is adorned with a flagpole topped by a Phrygian cap, symbolising revolution, and a banner inscribed “SOWJET/VOLKSRAT,” meaning “Soviet/People’s Council.” The edge bears the phrase “ENGLAND BEWEINT DAS RUSS. VOLK,” which translates directly as “England mourns (because of) the Russian people.” Below the flag, the date “10·JAN·1918” is inscribed, marking the opening of the Third All-Russian Congress of Soviets and the establishment of the Russian Soviet Republic.

The historical context of this medal lies in the tumultuous events of AD 1917, when the Russian Empire, plagued by military defeats and economic collapse, saw the Romanov dynasty overthrown in the February Revolution. Although the Provisional Government pledged to continue the war with the Allies, it was itself overthrown in the October Revolution by the Bolsheviks, who repudiated the war bonds issued to the Allied Powers by the previous regime.

This medal serves a dual satirical purpose. First, it criticises the Russian government under the Tsar for burdening the nation with debt to support the Allied war effort. Second, it mocks British capitalists who faced financial ruin when the Soviet government refused to honour the debts of its predecessor.

物件編號: M388

年代: 公元 1918 年

材質: 青銅

尺寸: 55.3 x 55.3 mm

來源: SBP錢幣拍賣 2024

這是一枚由卡爾·戈茨(Karl Goetz)製作,用於諷刺及宣傳第一次世界大戰時事的青銅章。

紀念章正面是一雙捧著俄國沙皇皇冠的手,裝滿了戰爭債券。皇冠中的紙張書有「ANLEIHE」字樣,即德文「債券」。紀念章邊緣書有「1914 –ALLES·FÜR·DEN·GROSSEN·SCHLAG」意思大約為「1914-都是為了這一擊」。皇冠下方的「K」、「G」為雕刻師卡爾·戈茨的縮寫。

紀念章背面為拭淚的英國人,面朝右方,身後的俄國人將地上的戰爭債券掃進垃圾桶,桶上插著旗桿,旗桿尖頂掛著弗里吉亞帽,旗幟上寫著兩行字「SOWJET/VOLKSRAT」,即「蘇維埃/人民委員會」。紀念章的邊緣環繞著「ENGLAND BEW EINT DAS RUSS. VOLK」的字樣,直譯為「英國因為俄國人民而哭泣」。旗幟下方有「10·JAN·1918」字樣,為第三次全俄羅斯蘇維埃代表大會之日期,也是俄羅斯蘇維埃共和國的立國之日。


類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 大英博物館 The British Museum

英國 坎特伯里博物館 Canterbury Museum


Gunter W. Kienast. The Medals of Karl Goetz, The Artus Company, Cleveland, Ohio, 1967, p2.

Mark Jones. The Dance of Death, Medallic Art of the First World War. The Trustees of The British Museum, Billings & Sons Ltd London 1979, p1.
