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Republic of Iraq
Celebration of Science Day
1 Dinar
Item number: A1424
Year: AD 1979 (AH 1400)
Material: Cupronickel
Size: 40.1 x 40.1 x 2.8 mm
Weight: 31.2 g
Provenance: Monetarium Budapest 2024
This is a commemorative coin with a denomination of 1 dinar, issued by the Republic of Iraq under Saddam Hussein’s rule in the Hijri year 1400 (AD 1979) to celebrate Science Day. The coin is made of cupronickel.
The obverse of the coin features a solid circle, with a pencil and an open book at the centre, set against the backdrop of a gear. The upper part of the gear is engraved with the Arabic inscription “المجلس الأعلى” (Supreme Council), while the lower part bears the inscription “الحملة الوطنية الشاملة لمحو الأمية الألزامي” (National Comprehensive Mandatory Literacy Campaign). Geometric motifs divide the outer edges, with the upper part engraved with “بقيادة الرئيس القائد صدام حسين” (Led by President Commander Saddam Hussein), and the lower part inscribed with “نقضي على الأمية” (We eliminate illiteracy).
The reverse of the coin features, at the centre, a motif resembling the calligraphic signature commonly used in the Ottoman Empire, with the inscription “بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم” (In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate). Geometric patterns separate the left and right sides, with the upper edge engraved with the country name “الجمهورية العراقية” (Republic of Iraq), and the lower edge displaying the commemorative event “يوم العلم” (Science Day). At the bottom of the coin is a design resembling a candle, representing the denomination “1”. The numerical date “١٢/١” on either side of the denomination corresponds to the date of the Science Day event on December 1st during Saddam Hussein’s era. Below the geometric motifs on the left and right, the issuing year is indicated using two calendars: “١٩٧٩ مـ” (Gregorian year 1979) and “١٤٠٠ هـ” (Hijri year 1400).
In June AD 1979, Saddam Hussein, who held significant power in the Iraqi government, military, and the Ba’ath Party, forced his relative, President Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr, to resign on health grounds. This marked the beginning of Hussein’s long-term rule, with the Iraqi Ba’ath Party as the central force. During his time in power, Hussein aimed to expand Iraq’s influence in the Middle East. This ambition led to the eight-year-long Iran-Iraq War (AD 1980-1988), followed by Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in AD 1990, which resulted in the First Gulf War in AD 1991, involving a Western coalition led by the United States.
In AD 2003, following the terrorist attacks of September 11, AD 2001, the United States accused Hussein’s regime of harbouring Al-Qaeda terrorists and possessing weapons of mass destruction. This led to the initiation of the Iraq War, where the U.S.-led coalition invaded Iraq. The military intervention swiftly dismantled Hussein’s regime. Hussein was captured, tried, and controversially executed by hanging in AD 2006.
錢幣正面有一道實心圓,正中央是一個以齒輪為背景的鉛筆和一本攤開的書本。齒輪的上側鐫刻阿拉伯銘文「المجلس الأعلى」(最高委員會),下側則是「الحملة الوطنية الشاملة لمحو الأمية الألزامي」(全國全面義務掃盲運動)。外圍的左右兩側以幾何圖騰作為分界線,上半部鐫刻「بقيادة الرئيس القائد صدام حسين」(由薩達姆·海珊總統司令領導),下半部則是「نقضي على الأمية」(我們掃除文盲)。
錢幣背面的正中央是一個仿效鄂圖曼土耳其帝國流行的花押,內容為「بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم」(以最仁慈、最仁慈的阿拉之名)。左右兩側各以幾何圖騰作為分界,上緣鐫刻國名「الجمهورية العراقية」(伊拉克共和國),下緣則是慶祝的節慶「يوم العلم」(科學節)。錢幣最下方有一個設計成蠟燭圖案的面額「1」,面額兩側的數字「١٢/١」是海珊時代科學節的日期12月1日。左右兩側的圖騰下方以兩種曆法標示發行年份「١٩٧٩ مـ」(公元1979年) 和 「١٤٠٠ هـ」(回曆1300年)。