The Second Polish Republic

The 900th Anniversary of the Establishment

10 Złoty



10 茲羅提

Item number: A1487

Year: AD 1925

Material: Gold

Size: 17.5 x 17.5 mm

Provenance: Stack’s Bowers 2024

This is a 10 złoty commemorative gold coin issued by the Second Polish Republic in AD 1925, celebrating the 900th anniversary of the establishment of the Kingdom of Poland in AD 1025.

The obverse is depicted a crowned and armoured bust of Bolesław I the Brave (Bolesław I Chrobry in Polish), facing left. Bolesław I, who lived during the 10th and 11th centuries, was a duke of the Piast dynasty (Piastowie in Polish) and elevated the Duchy of Poland to the status of a kingdom, becoming the first King of Poland. Encircled the portrait is the inscription “BOLESLAW CHROBRY 1025-1925”, which translates to “Bolesław the Brave 1025-1925.” The years “1025-1925” signify the time elapsed since the founding of the Kingdom of Poland up to the coin’s issuance.

The reverse features the coat of arms of Poland, depicting a crowned eagle with wings spread and tongue extended. Encircling the emblem is the inscription “RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 10 ZŁOTYCH”, meaning “Republic of Poland, 10 złoty.” The denomination, “10 złoty,” is prominently displayed. The edges of both the obverse and reverse are adorned with a serrated design.

In AD 1918, the Second Polish Republic was re-established after more than a century of partitions. By AD 1924, the Warsaw Mint (Mennica Polska) resumed operations, producing this commemorative gold coin. However, in AD 1938, the Republic was overrun during the German invasion, leading to its fall until Poland’s re-establishment after World War II.

The term “złoty”, meaning “golden” in Polish, has historical significance as a currency unit dating back to the 15th century. Its revival in the 20th century symbolised Poland’s aspiration for independence and the consolidation of national identity. This commemorative coin reflects both the historical achievements of Poland and the enduring resilience of its people.

物件編號: A1487

年代: 公元 1925 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 17.5 x 17.5 mm

來源: SBP錢幣拍賣 2024


金幣的正面中央是「勇敢者」博列斯瓦夫一世Bolesław I the Brver (波蘭文:Chrobry)的戴冠著甲胸像,面朝左。博列斯瓦夫一世是公元10至11世紀時,皮雅斯特(Piastowie)王朝的波蘭大公,任內將波蘭公國提升為王國,成為第一位波蘭國王。頭像環繞著「BOLESLAW CHROBRY 1025-1925」的字樣,即「勇敢者博列斯瓦夫 1025-1925」,「1025-1925」為波蘭王國立國以來至該紀念金幣之發行年分。

金幣的背面是波蘭國徽,為一隻頭戴王冠,伸展雙翅並吐出舌頭的雄鷹。國徽環繞著「RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 10 ZŁOTYCH 10」的字樣,「RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 」即「波蘭共和國」,「10 ZŁOTYCH 」則為該紀念金幣之幣值10茲羅提。金幣的正面與背面邊緣皆有三角鋸齒狀裝飾。


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英國 帝國戰爭博物館 Imperial War Museums

波蘭 華沙國家博物館 The National Museum in Warsaw


Grzegorz Wójtowicz Pochodzenie i historia polskiego pieniàdza. listopad-grudzieƒ 2006.
