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United Mexican States
5 Pesos
Item number: A1495
Year: AD 1920
Material: Gold
Size: 17.4 x 17.4 mm
Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2024
This is a 5-peso gold coin issued by the United Mexican States in AD 1920.
The obverse features a portrait of Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, facing left. Hidalgo, a priest and a national hero of Mexico, played a pivotal role in Mexico’s War of Independence. To the left of the portrait, the inscription “CINCO PESOS” indicates the coin’s denomination of 5 pesos. To the right, the marking “M * 1920” denotes the mint and year of issue. The letter “M” represents “Casa de Moneda” (literally “House of Money”), Mexico’s national mint, which has operated in Mexico City since the Spanish colonial era.
The reverse depicts the national emblem of Mexico, a golden eagle standing on a cactus growing from a rock in a lake, with a serpent in its beak. The emblem originates from Aztec mythology, in which the rock symbolises the location of Tenochtitlan, the ancient Aztec capital and the present-day site of Mexico City. Below the emblem, oak and laurel leaves symbolise victory in Greco-Roman mythology, serving as a representation of republican ideals. Encircling the emblem is the Spanish inscription “ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS”, the official name of the United Mexican States. Both the obverse and reverse edges are bordered with fine serrated gear-like border.
Following Mexico’s AD 1905 gold standard reform, coins bearing the inscription “ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS” began to circulate. For the first time, historical figures were used as themes for Mexican coinage. The 5-peso gold coin, with a gold content of 900 thousandths, was introduced as part of this monetary reform. The coin’s issuance in AD 1920 marked the end of nearly a decade of civil war and the re-establishment of the constitutional republic in Mexico. Between AD 1905 and AD 1955, at least 9,000,000 gold coins of this type were minted. However, due to losses overseas and multiple instances of recall and re-minting, relatively few remain in circulation in the market today. In the AD 1950s, global economic changes led the Mexican government to adopt a credit-based currency system, discontinuing the use of precious metal coins in circulation.
物件編號: A1495
年代: 公元 1920 年
材質: 黃金
尺寸: 17.4 x 17.4 mm
來源: 福君錢幣 2024
金幣正面的中央是米格爾·伊達爾戈·科斯蒂利亞(Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla) 朝向左側的肖像。伊達爾哥是一名神父,同時也是墨西哥獨立戰爭中的民族英雄。肖像左側「CINCO PESOS」,即幣值「5披索」。肖像右側「M * 1920」 為鑄造地與發行年。「M」為「Casa de Moneda」縮寫,直譯為「貨幣之家」,為西班牙殖民以來歷代政權的鑄幣廠,位於墨西哥城。
金幣背面的中央是墨西哥國徽,為一隻叼著蛇的雄鷹佇立在一棵從湖中的岩石長出的仙人掌上。國徽取自阿茲特克人的神話,而神話中所敘述的岩石,便是特諾奇蒂特蘭城的原址,也就是如今的墨西哥城。下方的橡葉與月桂在希臘羅馬神話中象徵著勝利,也因此經常作為共和制的象徵。周圍的西班牙文「ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS」則為「墨西哥合眾國」的官方名稱。硬幣正面與背面的邊緣皆以細方齒環繞。
公元1905年墨西哥金本位改革後,這批以「ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS」為名發行的貨幣開始流通,並首度以歷史人物作為硬幣主題。面值為5披索的金幣也首次投入使用,含金量為千分之九百。該硬幣發行的公元1920年,持續約十年的內戰結束,墨西哥重立立憲共和國。公元1905年至1955年,該形制的金幣至少發行超過9,000,000枚,但經海外流失與數次的回收重鑄,市場上流通並不多。公元1950年代,由於全球經濟體系的變化,墨西哥政府改以信用做為貨幣發行基礎,貴金屬硬幣不再通行。
Thomas P. Passananti. The Politics of Silver and Gold in an Age of Globalization: the Origins of Mexico’s Monetary Reform of 1905. América Latina en la historia económica no.30 México jul./dic. 2008