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Argentine Republic
5 peso / 1 argentino
Item number: A1496
Year: AD 1883
Material: Gold
Size: 20.9 x 20.9 mm
Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2024
This is a gold coin issued in AD 1883 by the Government of the Argentine Republic, valued at 1 Argentino/5 Pesos.
The obverse of the coin features the national emblem of the Argentine Republic at its centre. Within the oval shield, clasped hands holding the “staff of liberty” topped with the “Phrygian cap of liberty” serve as a symbol of the patriots during the Latin American wars of independence in the 19th century. The laurel wreath signifies victory. Above the emblem, the “Sun of May” symbolises freedom and liberation, while the flags on either side represent unity. Encircling the design is the inscription in Latin, “REPUBLICA ARGENTINA * 1883 *,” denoting the “Argentine Republic” and the issuance of the coin in the year AD 1883.
The reverse features the portrait of a long-haired woman wearing the “Phrygian cap of liberty,” facing right. Surrounding the image are the words “LIBERTAD * 5 PESOS * UN ARGENTINO * 9 Dos FINO *.” “LIBERTAD,” meaning “liberty,” reflects Argentina’s foundational history. “5 Pesos” represents 5 pesos, and “UN ARGENTINO” indicates 1 Argentino, demonstrating their equivalent value. “9 Dos FINO” signifies that the coin is composed of 90% pure gold.
In AD 1881, Argentina implemented a gold and silver bimetallic standard as part of a currency reform and unified monetary policy. This reform introduced the unit “Argentino,” which was fixed at a set exchange rate with the peso. Gold coins were issued to stabilise the currency and bolster market confidence; however, these measures ultimately yielded limited success.
物件編號: A1496
年代: 公元1883年
材質: 黃金
尺寸: 20.9 x 20.9 mm
來源: 福君錢幣 2024
金幣的正面中央為阿根廷共和國的國徽,中央的橢圓盾中,雙手緊握的「自由之竿」以及竿頂的「自由之帽」是十九世紀拉丁美洲解放戰爭中愛國者的標誌。月桂花環象徵勝利。上端的「五月太陽」象徵自由和解放,兩側的旗幟代表團結。周圍環繞著拉丁文「REPUBLICA ARGENTINA * 1883 *」,表示「阿根廷共和國」於公元1883年發行該幣。
金幣的反面是帶著「自由之帽」的長髮女子肖像,朝向右。周圍環繞著「LIBERTAD * 5 PESOS * UN ARGENTINO * 9 Dos FINO *」的字樣,「LIBERTAD 」即「解放」,為阿根廷的立國歷史。「5 pesos」為5披索,「UN ARGENTINO」為1阿根廷諾,並置代表它們有著相同的價值。 「9 Dos FINO」則是表示該幣為90%的純金。
G della Paolera. 2001. Straining at the Anchor: The Argentine Currency Board and the Search for Macroeconomic Stability, 1880–1935. University of Chicago Press.