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Electorate of Hanover
Georg III
12 Mariengroschen / 1/3 Taler
12瑪麗格羅申 / 1/3塔勒
Item number: A1492
Year: AD 1770
Material: Silver
Size: 29.5 X 29.5 mm
Manufactured by: Zellerfeld Mint
Provenance: Stack’s Bowers 2024
This is a silver coin minted in AD 1770 by the Electorate of Hanover, issued in the name of its monarch, George III, Elector of Hanover and simultaneously King of Great Britain. The coin carries a denomination of 12 Mariengroschen, equivalent to 1/3 Taler.
The obverse features the image of a “wild man” holding a branch, set against a forested background. Encircling the figure is the Latin abbreviation “BR·ET·LVN·DVX·S·R·I·ATH·ET·EL,” which stands for “Brunswick et Lünenburg Dux, Sacri Romani Imperii Archi Thesaurarius et Elector,” meaning “Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, Arch-Treasurer and Elector of the Holy Roman Empire.” At the bottom, the initials “I·A·P” represent Johann Anton Pfeffer, the mintmaster at the Zellerfeld mint. The number “12” on the right side indicates the coin’s value as 12 Mariengroschen.
The reverse displays the coat of arms of George III, divided into four quadrants. The upper left quadrant is further divided: the left section features three passant lions, representing England, while the right section shows a lion rampant within a double floral tressure, symbolising Scotland. The upper right quadrant contains three fleurs-de-lis, representing France. The lower left quadrant features a harp, signifying Ireland. The lower right quadrant is subdivided into four parts: the upper left section shows two passant lions for Brunswick, the upper right section displays a lion rampant surrounded by numerous hearts for Lüneburg, and the lower section features a galloping horse for Hanover. At the centre of the shield is a smaller escutcheon displaying Charlemagne’s Crown, denoting the position of Arch-Treasurer of the Holy Roman Empire. Above the shield rests the Imperial Crown. Encircling the shield is the Latin inscription “GEORG·III·D·C·M·BR·FR·ET HIB REX·F·D,” which expands to “Georgius III Dei Gratia Magnae Britanniae Franciae Et Hiberniae Rex Fidei Defensor,” meaning “George III, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith.” At the top, separated by a crown, the date “17 70” denotes the year of issue. Below, the denomination “1/3” appears, indicating 1/3 thaler, while “FEIN SILB:” on either side is an abbreviation of the German term for “pure silver.”
The “wild man” motif originates from 16th-century legends in the Harz Mountains. According to these tales, miners captured a wild man who resided in the forests, and the area where he was found revealed rich mineral deposits. The mining town established there was named “Wildemann,” meaning “wild man.” Since the 16th century, the depiction of the wild man has been a traditional motif on coins minted in the Harz region, including those from the Zellerfeld mint.
George III was the third monarch of the House of Hanover. During his reign, he oversaw the establishment of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Hanover, though he never set foot in Germany. His reign encompassed significant events such as the Seven Years’ War and the American War of Independence, leaving a legacy that has been met with both praise and criticism in historical accounts.
銀幣的正面是一位在森林中握著樹枝的野人,周圍環繞著拉丁簡寫「BR·ET·LVN·DVX·S·R·I·ATH·ET·EL」,即「Brunswick et Lünenburg Dux, Sacri Romani Imperii Archi Thesaurarius et Elector」,意為「不倫瑞克-呂訥堡公爵,神聖羅馬帝國的大司庫與選帝侯」。底部的「I·A·P」則為采勒費爾德(Zellerfeld)鑄幣局局長「Johann Anton Pfeffer 」的署名。右側的「12」則是幣值12 瑪麗格羅申。
銀幣的背面是格奧爾格三世的紋章,盾徽可分為四個象限。左上的象限分割為兩個部分,左側為三隻並形的獅子,代表著英格蘭。右側為在上下兩束花中站立的獅子,代表著蘇格蘭。右上的象限為三朵百合,代表著法蘭西。左下的象限為豎琴,代表著愛爾蘭。右下的象限分為四個部分,左上為兩隻並行的獅子,代表著不倫瑞克。右上為在許多愛心簇擁下的站立獅子,代表著呂訥堡。下方為奔馳的馬,代表著漢諾威。中央的小盾徽中的是查理曼皇冠,代表著神聖羅馬帝國的大司庫職位,最其上的則是帝國皇冠。周圍環繞著拉丁簡寫「GEORG·III·D·C·M·BR·FR·ET HIB REX·F·D」,即「Georgius III Dei Gratia Magnae Britanniae Franciae Et Hiberniae Rex Fidei Defensor」,意為「喬治三世,蒙上帝恩典,大不列顛、法國與愛爾蘭的國王,信仰的捍衛者」。最上方被皇冠隔開的「17 70」,標示了發行年公元1770年。下方的「1/3」則是幣值1/3塔勒。被「1/3」隔開的「FEIN SILB:」,為德文「純銀」的縮寫。
F. J. Stopp. Henry the Younger of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. Wild Man and Werwolf in Religious Polemics 1538-1544. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes Vol. 33 (1970), The University of Chicago Press. pp. 200-234