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Austro-Hungarian Empire
Franz Joseph I
Golden Jubilee Commemorative
1 Ducat
Item number: A1456
Year: AD 1898
Material: Gold
Size: 18.4 x 18.4 mm
Manufactured by: Autria Mint
Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2024
This is a 1 ducat commemorative gold coin issued in AD 1898 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Franz Joseph I’s accession as Emperor of Austria. According to Jewish tradition, a 50th anniversary is referred to as a “golden jubilee.”
The obverse of the coin features a profile bust of Franz Joseph I adorned with a laurel crown, facing left. Surrounding the portrait is the Latin inscription “FRANC·IOS·I·D·G·AVSTR·IMP·HVNG·BOH·REX,” which expands to “Franciscus Josephus I Dei Gratia Austriae Imperator Hungariae Bohemiaeque Rex,” translating to “Franz Joseph I, by the Grace of God, Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia.” Below the bust, the abbreviation “A.” signifies the Vienna Mint (Münze Österreich).
The reverse side displays the double-headed eagle, emblematic of the Holy Roman Empire. Each eagle’s head is crowned with an archducal crown of Austria; one claw holds a sword, while the other grasps an orb of the cross. The eagle’s chest bears a shield divided into three sections. The left section depicts a crowned standing lion, symbolising the County of Habsburg. The central section displays three horizontal bars, representing the Archduchy of Austria, while the right section, with three eagles on a diagonal band, represents the Duchy of Lorraine. The shield is encircled by the chain of the Order of the Golden Fleece, and above the eagle is the Austrian imperial crown. Encircling the design is the Latin inscription “REX·LOMB·ET·VEN·DALM·GAL·LOD·ILL·A·A.1848,” which translates to “King of Lombardy and Venetia, Dalmatia, Galicia and Lodomeria, Illyria, Archduke of Austria.” The year “1848” marks Franz Joseph I’s accession, while “1898” below indicates the year of issuance.
Despite the shadow cast by the assassination of Empress Elisabeth in the same year, government entities and civic organisations across the Austro-Hungarian Empire enthusiastically organised events and published commemorative works to honour the emperor’s golden jubilee. However, in some territories, the celebrations felt notably hollow and awkward. In Bohemia, the ongoing Badeni crisis, which began in 1897, exacerbated tensions between German and Czech speakers over the bilingual policy, fostering mutual animosity and intensifying nationalist sentiments, foreshadowing constitutional issues within the empire. Similarly, the aftermath of territorial expansion in the Balkans in 1878 continued to fuel ethnic conflicts within the empire. In Hungary, the jubilee celebrations were met with official indifference, as the Emperor only assumed the title of King of Hungary following the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867. The eventual disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Empire could already be glimpsed during this commemorative year.
Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, ascended the throne in AD 1848 and ruled until his death in AD 1916, making his 68-year reign one of the longest in European history. His accession coincided with a period of significant upheaval, marked by the revolutionary wave in AD 1848 that swept across Europe, demanding liberty and national independence. During his reign, Austro-Hungarian Empire occupied Bosnia and Herzegovina following the AD 1878 Congress of Berlin, beginning its administration of the region while the Ottoman Empire retained nominal sovereignty. In AD 1908, Austro-Hungarian Empire formally annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina, provoking the ire of Serbia and Russia and heightening tensions in the Balkans. In AD 1914, Franz Joseph’s nephew and heir, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, was assassinated in Sarajevo, an event known as the Sarajevo Incident. Subsequently, Austro-Hungarian Empire declared war on Serbia, setting off a chain of events that culminated in the outbreak of World War I.
金幣的正面為頭戴桂冠的法蘭茲·約瑟夫一世側身胸像,面朝左。周圍環繞著拉丁簡寫「FRANC·IOS·I·D·G·AVSTR·IMP·HVNG·BOH·REX」,全稱為「Franciscus Josephus I Dei Gratia Austriae Imperator Hungariae Bohemiaeque Rex」,意即「法蘭茲·約瑟夫二世,蒙上帝恩典,奧地利的皇帝,匈牙利與波西米亞國王」。下方的縮寫「A.」則是維也納鑄幣廠(Münze Österreich)的標記。
金幣的背面則有代表神聖羅馬帝國的雙頭鷹,其雙頭皆戴著奧地利大公的冠冕、一手持劍、一手持十字聖球,胸前盾徽垂直分割為三個部分,最左側為戴冠人立的雄獅,代表著哈布斯堡伯爵領。中間為三道橫紋,代表奧地利大公國。右側斜帶上的三隻鷹,代表著洛林公國。盾徽邊緣環繞著代表金羊毛騎士團的大鏈章,雙頭鷹上方則為奧地利的帝國皇冠。周圍環繞著拉丁簡寫「REX·LOMB·ET·VEN·DALM·GAL·LOD·ILL·A·A.1848.」,即「Rex Lombardiae et Venetiae Dalmatiae Galiciae Lodomiriae Illyriae Archidux Austriae」,意為「倫巴底與威尼托、達爾馬提亞、加利西亞與洛多梅里亞、伊利里亞國王,奧地利大公 」。「1848」則為法蘭茲·約瑟夫一世即位之年,下方則為發行年「1898」。