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Holy Roman Empire
Joseph II
2 Ducat
Item number: A1455
Year: AD 1786
Material: Gold
Size: 23.2 x 23.2 mm
Manufactured by: Austrian Mint
Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2024
This is a 2 ducat gold coin issued in AD 1786 by the government of the Archduchy of Austria in the name of Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor.
The obverse features a crowned, right-facing bust of Joseph II in profile. Encircling the portrait on the right edge is the Latin abbreviation “IOSEPH·II·D·G·R·I·S·A·,” representing the full title “Iosephus II Dei Gratia Romanorum Imperator Semper Augustus,” which translates to “Joseph II, by the Grace of God, Emperor of the Romans, Ever August.” On the left edge, the Latin abbreviation “GERM·HV·BO·REX·” stands for “Germaniae Hungariae Bohemiaeque Rex,” meaning “King of Germany, Hungary, and Bohemia.” Below the portrait, the abbreviation “A.” serves as the mark of the Vienna Mint (Münze Österreich).
The reverse depicts the double-headed eagle emblematic of the Holy Roman Empire, crowned with the imperial crown, one talon gripping a sword and the other a sceptre. The eagle’s chest displays a shield vertically divided into two sections: on the left, three horizontal stripes represent the Archduchy of Austria, while the right features three eagles arranged on a diagonal band, symbolising the Duchy of Lorraine. Encircling the shield is the collar of the Order of the Golden Fleece, with the archducal crown of Austria above. Around the edge is the Latin abbreviation “ARCH·AVST·D·BVRG·LOTH·M·D·HET,” denoting “Archidux Austriae Dux Burgundiae Lotharingiae & Magnus Dux Hetruriae,” or “Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy and Lorraine, and Grand Duke of Tuscany.” Below this emblem is the denomination “(2)” for 2 ducats.
In the 18th century, the currency system within the Holy Roman Empire was complex and disorganised. High-purity gold coins such as ducats were widely accepted in international trade due to their high value and consistent quality.
Joseph II reigned as Holy Roman Emperor from AD 1765 to 1790 and also held the titles of Archduke of Austria, King of Hungary, and King of Bohemia. The eldest son of Maria Theresa of the Habsburg dynasty and Francis I, Duke of Lorraine, he co-ruled with his mother until her death in AD 1780. As a prominent enlightened despot, Joseph II implemented a series of sweeping reforms, including the abolition of serfdom, restrictions on the power of the Catholic Church, and the promotion of religious tolerance. He also pursued administrative and legal reforms aimed at centralising authority and improving governmental efficiency. However, his radical reforms provoked strong resistance within the empire, particularly in Hungary and the Austrian Netherlands, leading to the partial repeal of many policies. Joseph II died in AD 1790, disheartened by the limited success of his reforms.
物件編號: A1455
年代: 公元 1786 年
材質: 黃金
尺寸: 23.2 x 23.2 mm
製造地: 奧地利鑄幣廠
來源: 福君錢幣 2024
金幣的正面為頭戴桂冠的約瑟夫二世側身胸像,面朝右。金幣的右側邊緣環繞著拉丁簡寫「IOSEPH·II·D·G·R·I·S·A·」,全稱為「Iosephus II Dei Gratia Romanorum Imperator Semper Augustus」,意即「約瑟夫二世,蒙上帝恩典,羅馬人的皇帝,永遠的至尊」。左側邊緣環繞著拉丁簡寫「GERM·HV·BO·REX·」,即「Germaniae Hungariae Bohemiaeque Rex」,意為「德意志、匈牙利與波西米亞國王」。下方的縮寫「A.」則是維也納奧地利鑄幣廠(Münze Österreich)的標記。
金幣的背面則有代表神聖羅馬帝國的雙頭鷹,其頭戴帝國皇冠、一手持劍、一手持權杖,胸前盾徽垂直分割為兩個部分,左側為三道橫紋,代表奧地利大公國。右側斜帶上的三隻鷹,代表著洛林公國。盾徽邊緣環繞著代表金羊毛騎士團的大鏈章,盾徽上方則為奧地利大公的冠冕。周圍環繞著拉丁簡寫「ARCH·AVST·D·BVRG ·LOTH·M·D·HET」,即「Archidux Austriae Dux Burgundiae Lotharingiae & Magnus Dux Hetruriae」,意為「奧地利大公、勃艮第公爵、洛林公爵及托斯卡納大公」。下方「(2)」則為幣值2達克特。