King’s Medal for Native Chiefs

(Full Size)

2nd Class, George VI




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Item number: M392

Year: AD 1936-1952

Material: Silver

Size: Collar 44.0 cm / Badge 65.8 x 50.0 x 4.2 mm

Weight: 197.95 g

Manufactured by: Royal Mint

Provenance: Spink 2024

This is a “King’s Medal for Native Chiefs,” issued between AD 1936 and AD 1952 during the reign of King George VI of the United Kingdom. It was awarded by the British Empire to tribal leaders in colonial territories across Africa, Asia, and the Pacific regions. The medal served as a demonstration of imperial authority and to reward and foster alliances with chiefmen who contributed to the governance and stability of these colonies.

The medal was issued in two classes: the first class was made of silver-gilt, while the second class was crafted in silver. It was awarded successively during the reigns of King George V, King George VI, and Queen Elizabeth II.

The medal consists of a large collar worn across the chest, primarily composed of three elements: five-petal floral ornaments, crowns, and King George VI’s monogram “GVIR.” Suspended at the bottom of the collar is an oval-shaped medal. The obverse of the medal features a left-facing bust of King George VI, crowned and dressed in ceremonial robes. Surrounding the portrait is the inscription in English: “KING GEORGE THE SIXTH.”

The reverse of the medal depicts a fully armed dreadnought battleship, symbolising the military strength of the British Empire. Behind the battleship are two civilian vessels, while the distant horizon reveals rolling hills, palm trees, and an Islamic-style domed building. Above the scene shines a radiant sun. The medal’s border is adorned with symmetrical shields and lion motifs, with two lions flanking and supporting a crown at the top.

After the end of World War II, many indigenous chiefs from Sarawak and North Borneo who assisted the Allies in resisting the Japanese invaders were awarded medals bearing the likenesses of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II as recognition for their contributions. The most notable recipient was Temenggong Koh, a Dayak chief from Sarawak.

物件編號: M392

年代: 公元 1936-1952 年


尺寸: 項鍊 44.0 cm / 獎章 65.8 x 50.0 x 4.2 mm

重量: 197.95 g

製造地: 皇家造幣廠

來源: 斯賓克拍賣行 2024



獎章為一條配掛於胸前的大項鍊,項鍊主要由三種元素組成,即五瓣花飾、王冠和喬治六世的頭銜縮寫「GVIR」。項鍊最下方懸掛一枚蛋型的獎章,獎章正面為喬治六世頭戴王冠,身穿禮袍的左側胸像,人像周圍以英文標示「KING GEORGE THE SIXTH」(喬治六世)。


第二次世界大戰結束後,許多在戰爭期間協助盟軍對抗日本入侵者的砂拉越和北婆羅洲的土著酋長獲得喬治六世和伊莉莎白二世版本的獎章作為獎勵,最有名的得獎者是砂拉越的達雅人酋長Temenggong Koh。

