Royal Order of the Polar Star (Full Size)

Commander Grand Cross Collar




Item number: M394

Year: AD 1850-1900

Material: Copper-Gilt and Enamel

Size: 92.1 x 4.3 cm

Weight: 175.15 g

Provenance: Andreas Thies EK 2024

This is a component of the Commander Grand Cross of the Royal Order of the Polar Star, awarded by the Kingdom of Sweden in the latter half of the 19th century. The necklace, made of copper-gilt, consists of a total of eighteen ornaments. Nine of these are white enamel depictions of the Polar Star, while the remaining nine feature the personal monogram of King Frederick I, the founder of the order. The monogram is composed of two mirrored blue enamel “F”s, topped with a crown as a decorative element.

The Royal Order of the Polar Star was established on February 23, AD 1748, by King Frederick I of Sweden, alongside the Royal Order of the Sword and the Royal Order of the Seraphim, collectively forming the highest honours of the Kingdom of Sweden. The Royal Order of the Polar Star comprises five ranks, with the highest rank, the Commander Grand Cross, being distinguished by a black sash and a star badge, as well as a necklace adorned with the order’s insignia.

The collar is missing the central insignia, which originally took the form of a white enamel Maltese cross. At its centre is a deep blue circular medallion featuring a white enamel depiction of the Polar Star and the order’s gilded motto, “NESCIT OCCASUM” (It knows no decline).

The Royal Order of the Polar Star was established to reward individuals who made significant contributions to Sweden in civil fields, including politics, economics, and culture. Following reforms in AD 1975, the award is now exclusively granted to foreign nationals or stateless individuals who have made outstanding contributions to Sweden. It is no longer awarded to Swedish citizens.

Grades of OrderThe positioning for wearing
Commander Grand CrossBlack Sash with a star, and a collar.
Commander First ClassWears the badge on a necklet, plus the star on the left chest.
Commander ClassWears the badge on a necklet.
Knight First ClassWears the badge on a ribbon on the left chest.
Knight ClassWears the badge on a ribbon on the left chest.

物件編號: M394

年代: 公元 1850-1900 年

材質: 銅鍍金, 琺瑯

尺寸: 92.1 x 4.3 cm

重量: 175.15 g

來源: 安德烈亞斯·蒂斯拍賣行 2024


皇家北極星勳章設置於公元1748年2月23日,由時任瑞典國王的弗雷德里克一世連同皇家佩劍勳章和皇家六翼天使勳章共同設置,共同組成瑞典王國的最高榮耀。皇家北極星勳章總計有五個等級,最高級的指揮官大十字不僅有一條黑色的大綬帶和星章,還會有一條附有勳章的項鍊。這一條項鍊缺少的勳章外觀為白色琺瑯彩繪的馬爾他十字架,正中央的深藍色圓盤上面有白色的北極星彩繪和燙金的座右銘「NESCIT OCCASUM」(它從未衰退)。



類似/相同物件 請看:

瑞典 北歐博物館 Nordic Museum

瑞典 皇室宮殿 The Royal Palaces, Sweden


Borna Barac, Reference Catalogue Orders Medals and Decorations of the World : instituted until 1945 : Part IV Gold Book P-Z (Craotia:OBOL d.o.o. Zagreb, 2016)
