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Electorate of Saxony
John George IV
1⁄12 Thaler
1⁄12 塔勒
Item number: A1501
Year: AD 1694
Material: Silver
Size: 25.8 x 24.8 x 0.8 mm
Weight: 3.7 g
Manufactured by: Leipzig Mint
Provenance: Fuchin 2024
This is a 1⁄12 Thaler silver coin issued in AD 1694 by the Electorate of Saxony, a constituent state of the Holy Roman Empire.
The obverse features two oval shields side by side. The shield on the left depicts crossed swords, symbolising the honorary position of Archmarshal of the Holy Roman Empire, a title traditionally held by the Elector of Saxony. The shield on the right displays multiple horizontal stripes with a diagonal rue wreath above them, representing the Duchy of Saxony. A crown is placed above the shields. Encircling the design is the Latin inscription “IOH GEORG IV D G DVX SAX I C M A & W,” an abbreviation for “Iohannes Georgius IV Dei Gratia Dux Saxoniae, Juliaci Cliviae et Montium, Angriae et Westphaliae,” meaning “John George IV, by the grace of God, Duke of Saxony, Jülich-Cleves-Berg, Angria, and Westphalia.” Below the shields, the letters “EPH” mark the signature of Ernst Peter Hecht, the master of the Leipzig mint.
The reverse displays the German inscription “12 EINEN THAL,” denoting the coin’s denomination as one-twelfth of a Thaler. Below this is the minting year, “1694.” A fine beaded border separates the central elements from the outer Latin inscription, “SAC ROM IMP ARCHIM & ELEC,” which stands for “Sacri Romani Imperii Archimarescalus et Elector,” translating to “Archmarshal and Elector of the Holy Roman Empire.”
The Electorate of Saxony was a significant state within the Holy Roman Empire, renowned for its pivotal role in the Protestant Reformation. Elector Frederick III was a notable supporter of Martin Luther’s movement, and Saxony became the first imperial state to adopt Protestantism. John George IV, who ruled from 1691 to 1694, reopened the Leipzig Mint during his tenure. Collaborating with other states under the Leipzig Mint Convention (Leipziger Münzfuß), he sought to address widespread currency devaluation in central Europe. Despite these efforts, his reign was cut short by his premature death from smallpox, leaving the monetary crisis unresolved. This devaluation was driven by systemic shortages of currency and anticipated declines in silver prices. The monetary issues in Saxony were only partially alleviated by mid-18th-century reforms, which consolidated minting rights under the centralised Dresden Mint.
物件編號: A1501
年代: 公元 1694 年
材質: 銀
尺寸: 25.8 x 24.8 x 0.8 mm
重量: 3.7 g
製造地: 萊比錫鑄幣廠
來源: 福君錢幣 2024
這是一枚公元1694年,由神聖羅馬帝國,薩克森選侯國發行的1⁄12 塔勒銀幣。
銀幣正面中央為兩個並列的橢圓盾徽,左側為交叉的劍,代表薩克森選帝侯按例兼任的榮譽職位,神聖羅馬帝國大元帥。右側為多條橫紋,其上斜置芸香花環,代表薩克森大公國。盾徽上方是王冠。周圍環繞著拉丁簡寫「IOH GEORG IV D G DVX SAX I C M A & W」,即「Iohanes Georgius IV Dei Gratia Dux Saxoniae, Juliaci Cliviae et Montium, Angriae et Westphaliae」,意為「約翰·喬治四世,蒙上帝恩典,安格里亞與西發里亞、於利希-克萊沃-貝格聯合公國、薩克森的公爵」。中間偏下的「EPH」是時任鑄幣局局長恩斯特·彼得·赫克特(Ernst Peter Hecht)的署名。
銀幣背面中央為德文「12 EINEN THAL」,表示幣值為十二分之一塔勒。旗下則是發行年「1694」。以細珠圈相分隔,外圍則環繞著拉丁簡寫「SAC ROM IMP ARCHIM & ELEC」,即「Sacri Romani Imperii Archimarescalus et Elector」,意為「神聖羅馬帝國大元帥與選帝侯」。
Schneider, Konrad. “Kipper- und Wipperzeit und Münzwaage und Schreckenberger.” Von Aktie bis Zoll. Ein historisches Lexikon des Geldes. München: Beck. 1995.
Klotzsch, Johann F. Versuch einer Chur-Sächsischen Münzgeschichte. Von den ältesten bis auf jetzigen Zeiten. Erster Theil. Chemnitz. 1779.