Li Hongzhang Visit to Germany Commemorative Medal


Item number: A1464

Year: AD 1896

Material: Silver

Size: 33.2 x 33.2 mm

Manufactured by: Hamburg Mint

Provenance: Münzgalerie München 2024

This is a silver commemorative medal issued in Guangxu 22 (AD 1896), during the late Qing Empire, to honour Li Hongzhang’s visit to Hamburg, Germany. As the most influential statesman and chief architect of national policies at the time, Li Hongzhang was commissioned by Empress Dowager Cixi as an Imperial Envoy Plenipotentiary to embark on a global diplomatic tour. During his visit to Hamburg, where he met his idol, former Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, the Hamburg Mint produced this medal to celebrate his arrival.

The obverse of the commemorative medal features a beaded rim encircling the design. At the centre is a frontal portrait of Emperor Guangxu dressed in a dragon robe. To the left of the portrait is a flying dragon, symbolising China, while the right side bears the Chinese characters “光緒” (Guangxu). Above the emperor’s hat, the German inscription “KWANG SÜ KAISER V. CHINA” (Guangxu, Emperor of China) is prominently displayed.

The reverse of the commemorative medal features a front-facing portrait of Empress Dowager Cixi, her face slightly turned to the right and adorned with a hairpin. On either side of the portrait, the inscriptions appear in Chinese characters and German, respectively: “慈禧” (Cixi) and “TSU HI.” Above the portrait, the German text “KAISERIN VON CHINA” (Empress of China) is prominently inscribed.

In AD 1896, Li Hongzhang embarked on a global diplomatic tour, primarily to express gratitude to European nations for their assistance in pressuring Japan to relinquish its claim to the Liaodong Peninsula during the negotiations of the Treaty of Shimonoseki. Li’s journey began in March when he travelled to St. Petersburg to attend the coronation of the newly appointed Tsar Nicholas II. In June, he boarded a train to Germany for his second stop, conducting a state visit.

In Berlin, Li Hongzhang was received by Kaiser Wilhelm II, who hosted a formal reception and a military review in his honour. Following the visit, at the recommendation of his physician, Li travelled to the Berlin Polytechnic University for an X-ray examination of a facial wound sustained during an assassination attempt by a Japanese assailant during the negotiations with Japan. While German doctors advised against surgery, Li became the first Chinese individual to experience the use of X-ray technology.

After concluding his visit to Berlin, on June 25, Li Hongzhang travelled to Hamburg, one of Germany’s most important commercial ports, to meet his idol, former German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. Bismarck, equally eager to meet Li, who was often referred to as the “Bismarck of the East,” hosted Li for a pleasant discussion at his Friedrichsruh Manor. As Li prepared to depart Hamburg by train, Bismarck personally accompanied him to the platform to bid him farewell.

After leaving Germany, Li continued his journey, visiting other Western European countries before crossing the Atlantic to visit the United States. Finally, in late September, he returned to China via Yokohama, Japan.

物件編號: A1464

年代: 公元 1896 年


尺寸: 33.2 x 33.2 mm

製造地: 漢堡造幣廠

來源: 慕尼黑錢幣畫廊 2024


紀念章的正反兩面為珠圈環繞,正面是身穿龍袍的光緒皇帝正面肖像,肖像的左側是一條象徵中國的飛龍,右側是以漢字打印的「光緒」兩字。肖像的帽子上緣以德文打印「KWANG SÜ KAISER V. CHINA」(光緒中國皇帝)。

紀念章背面則是頭戴髮簪,臉部微微向右的慈禧太后正面肖像。肖像的左右兩側分別以漢字和德文標示「慈禧/ TSU HI」,肖像的上緣以德文標示「KAISERIN VON CHINA」(中國皇后)。



類似/相同物件 請看:


ZENO.RU – Oriental Coins Database 網站


林國明 編,《中國近代機制金銀幣目錄》(上海:上海科學技術出版社,2021)
