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Prince Archbishopric of Salzburg
3 Kreuzer
Item number: A1499
Year: AD 1681
Material: Silver
Size: 20.7 x 20.5 x 0.5mm
Weight: 1.75 g
Manufactured by: Salzburg Mint
Provenance: Fuchin 2024
This is a silver coin with denomination of 3 Kreuzer, minted in AD 1681 by the Prince-Archbishopric of Salzburg.
The obverse of the coin depicts Saint Rupert, the patron saint of Salzburg, holding a salt barrel in his right hand and a pastoral staff in his left. The image is encircled by a fine bead border, outside of which is the Latin inscription “S:RVDBERTVS.EPS.SALISB:,” an abbreviation of “Sanctus Rudbertus Episcopus Salisburgensis,” meaning “Saint Rupert, Bishop of Salzburg.” Saint Rupert was the first bishop of Salzburg.
The reverse of the coin features two shields placed side by side. The left shield is divided vertically, with the left half showing a rampant lion and the right half bearing three horizontal bands, symbolising Salzburg. The right shield is divided into four quadrants: the top left and bottom right quadrants contain a vertically divided circular motif, while the top right and bottom left quadrants display horizontally divided hinges, representing the Kuenburg family. Above the shields is the year of issue, “1681,” and below them, the denomination, 3 Kreuzer. The shields are surrounded by a fine bead border, outside of which is the Latin inscription “MAX:GAND:D:G:ARCHIEP:SALISB:,” an abbreviation of “Maximilianus Gandolfus Dei Gratia Archiepiscopus Salisburgensis,” meaning “Maximilian Gandolf, by the grace of God, Archbishop of Salzburg.” Maximilian Gandolf von Kuenburg was the ruling archbishop at the time.
Salzburg is also renowned as the birthplace of the celebrated composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. His former residence and museum attract visitors from around the world, and the Salzburg Festival further establishes the city as a pilgrimage site for classical music enthusiasts.
However, Salzburg’s history also harbours darker chapters. During the widespread witch-hunt movement of the late 17th century, the Prince-Archbishop Maximilian Gandolf von Kuenburg led a series of trials targeting alleged witchcraft and vagrancy, known as the “Magic Boy Trials” of Salzburg. Between AD 1675 and 1690, more than 150 individuals, many of them children and adolescents, were executed in what became infamous for its severity and scale.
The historical political shifts in Salzburg were heavily influenced by its status as an ecclesiastical principality. Governed by prince-archbishops since the Middle Ages, Salzburg enjoyed relative independence among the various states of the Holy Roman Empire, with its governance combining ecclesiastical and secular authority. In the late 18th century, the Napoleonic Wars reshaped the European landscape. Salzburg underwent secularisation in AD 1803, ending direct church governance, and was subsequently annexed by Austria and Bavaria. In AD 1816, the Congress of Vienna formally integrated Salzburg into the Austrian Empire. Today, Salzburg is Austria’s fourth-largest city, reflecting its rich historical, cultural, and political heritage.
物件編號: A1499
年代: 公元 1681 年
材質: 銀
尺寸: 20.7 x 20.5 x 0.5mm
重量: 1.75 g
製造地: 薩爾茲堡鑄幣廠
來源: 福君錢幣 2024
銀幣正面為薩爾茲堡的主保聖人聖魯珀特,右手托鹽桶,左手持牧杖。人像周圍環繞細珠圈,珠圈外環繞拉丁簡寫「S:RVDBERTVS.EPS.SALISB:」,即「Sanctus Rudbertus Episcopus Salisburgensis」,意為「薩爾茲堡主教聖魯珀特」,其為薩爾茲堡首任主教。
銀幣背面中央為兩個並排的盾徽,左側的盾徽垂直分割為兩個部分,左側為一隻人立的獅子,右側為三道橫帶,代表著薩爾茲堡。右側的盾徽分為四個象限,左上和右下的象限有一個垂直分割的雙色圓形,右上和左下的象限有各有一對水平分割的鉸鏈,代表著庫恩堡家族。盾徽之上是發行年「1681」,盾徽之下是幣值3克羅斯。盾徽以細珠圈環繞,珠圈之外環繞有拉丁簡寫「MAX:GAND:D:G:ARCHIEP:SALISB:」,即「Maximilianus Gandolfus Dei Gratia Archiepiscopus Salisburgensis」,意為「馬克西米利安·甘道夫,蒙上帝恩典的薩爾茲堡大主教」,「馬克西米利安·甘道夫」即當時的執政者,馬克斯·甘道夫·馮·庫恩堡(Max Gandolph von Kuenburg)。