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Republic of Bolivia
Mariano Melgarejo
Coup Commemorative
1 Melgarejo
Item number: A1457
Year: AD 1865
Material: Silver
Size: 34 x 34 mm
Manufactured by: Potosi Mint
Provenance: Fuchin 2024
This is a commemorative silver coin minted in AD 1865 under the authority of Manuel Mariano Melgarejo Valencia, a dictator and President of the Republic of Bolivia. The coin, denominated as 1 Melgarejo, did not replace the existing currencies, the Sol (Sole) and the Boliviano, which remained in circulation.
The obverse of the coin features a left-facing bust of Melgarejo in military uniform. Encircling the portrait is the Latin inscription “AL PACIFICADOR DE BOLIVIA,” which translates as “To the Pacifier of Bolivia.” The letters “FP” on the coin likely represent the initials of the official in charge of the Bolivian mint.
On the reverse, the central inscription in Spanish legends “AL VALOR DEL JENERAL MELGAREJO,” meaning “To the Courage of General Melgarejo.” Beneath it, the smaller lettering “666.Ms. 400.Gs” signifies “666 thousandths pure silver, weighing 400 grains.” Encircling the reverse inscription is “GRATITUD DEL PUEBLO POTOSINO EN 1865,” translating to “The Gratitude of the People of Potosí in 1865.” Potosí, historically Bolivia’s most significant silver mining and minting centre, holds great historical and economic importance.
Mariano Melgarejo served as the President of Bolivia from 1864 to 1871, a tenure marked by autocratic rule and radical reforms. Rising to power through a military coup, he maintained his authority primarily through control of the armed forces. His governance was highly contentious, characterised by land reforms that transferred vast tracts of land to foreign investors and local elites, ostensibly to attract investment. However, these policies resulted in significant dispossession among farmers and Indigenous populations, exacerbating societal inequality. He issued currency bearing his own name, the Melgarejo, as a symbol of his authority, while continuing the issuance of the Boliviano in an effort to stabilise the national economy. Nonetheless, his economic strategy, heavily reliant on Bolivia’s silver resources, faltered as global silver prices fluctuated, leading to economic instability. In foreign policy, Melgarejo sought to consolidate his regime by signing treaties with neighbouring Chile and Peru. These agreements were later criticised for undermining Bolivia’s national interests, particularly contributing to territorial losses in subsequent conflicts. His rule remains a polarising chapter in Bolivian history; he is both credited as a reformist leader and condemned for deepening societal unrest and fostering economic vulnerability.
銀幣正面為梅爾加雷霍的半身像,面朝左,身著軍裝。周圍環繞著拉丁文「AL PACIFICADOR DE BOLIVIA」,意為「致玻利維亞的和平締造者」。其後「FP」應為玻利維亞鑄幣廠負責人之署名。
銀幣背面中央為西班牙文「AL VALOR DEL JENERAL MELGAREJO」,意即「獻給梅爾加雷霍將軍的英勇」。銘文兩側的小字「666.Ms. 400.Gs」意為「千分之666純銀,重400格令」周圍環繞著「GRATITUD DEL PUEBLO POTOSINO EN 1865」,意即「波托西人民於1865年的感謝」,波托西是玻利維亞歷史最悠久也是最大的銀礦與鑄幣廠的所在地。
Barragán, Rossana R. & Zagalsky, Paula C. Edited. Potosí In The Global Silver Age (16th-19th Centuries). Studies In Global Social History Studies In The Social History Of The Global South. Brill. 2023.
Klein, Herbert S. A Concise History of Bolivia. Cambridge: Cambridge University. 2011.