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Gold Dinar
Item number: A1479
Year: AD 1309–1310 (AH 710)
Material: Gold
Size: 27.5 x 26.1 mm
Weight: 8.86 g
Manufactured by: Rasht, Iran
Provenance: Stack’s Bowers 2024
This is a gold dinar minted in the year 710 of the Hijri calendar (AD 1309–1310) by Öljaitü, the eighth ruler of the Ilkhanate.
The obverse of the coin features three concentric circles. At the centre, the Arabic inscriptions are arranged in three lines from top to bottom: “لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله” (There is no deity but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God), “علي ولي الله” (Ali is the representative of God), and “بسم الله الكريم” (In the name of the Most Generous God). Surrounding these central inscriptions, the circular inscription reads: “اللهم صل على محمد وعلى و الحسن والحسين وعلى و محمد و جعفر و موسى وعلى و محمد وعلى و لحسن و محمد”, listing the names of the Twelve Imams revered in Shia Islam.
The reverse side of the coin features a quatrefoil design characteristic of the Ilkhanate. Inside the design, the inscription reads: “ضرب في أيام دولة السلطان الأعظم مالك رقاب الأمم الجايتو سلطان غياث الدنيا والدين خدا بنده محمد خلد الله ملكه”, which translates as: “This coin was struck during the reign of the greatest Sultan—the master of the necks of nations, Öljaitü Sultan, the support of the world and religion, God-bound Muhammad. May God perpetuate his kingdom.”
Around the quatrefoil, the corners contain additional inscriptions. The top left corner reads: “لله الامر من قبل ومن بعد” (God is in charge before and after). The top right corner features the ruler’s name in Uyghur script: “ᠦᠯᠵᠡᠢᠲᠦ ᠰᠤᠯᠲᠠᠨ” (Öljaitü Sultan). The bottom right and bottom left corners together specify the minting location and date: “ضرب شیراز سنة عشر وسبعمائة”, meaning “This coin was struck in Shiraz in the year 710 of the Hijri calendar.”
Öljaitü ruled the Ilkhanate between AD 1304 and AD 1316. In his early years, he adhered to the Buddhist faith of the Mongols but was influenced by his mother’s Nestorian Christian beliefs, leading to his baptism at the age of nine under the name Nicholas. However, upon reaching adulthood, he converted to Shia Islam. During his reign, Öljaitü actively promoted the construction of the new capital, Sultaniyah, where he also built his mausoleum, which later became an iconic example of Persian architecture. Additionally, Öljaitü’s appointed vizier, Rashid al-Din, authored the monumental work Jami’ al-Tawarikh (Compendium of Chronicles), written in multiple languages. This masterpiece encompasses the histories of nomadic peoples such as the Turks and Mongols, as well as regions including China and Europe, making it a cornerstone of cultural heritage in the Islamic world.
錢幣背面有一個具有伊兒汗國特色的四葉形輪廓,輪廓內部打印的銘文內容是「ضرب في أيام دولة السلطان الأعظم مالك رقاب الأمم الجايتو سلطان غياث الدنيا والدين خدا بنده محمد خلد الله ملكه」,其完整的意思是「此硬幣鑄於最偉大的蘇丹—萬國之主、世界與宗教的勝利者—蒙受全能真主庇佑的穆罕默德蘇丹統治期間,願真主永佑其國祚」。
四葉形周圍的角落也分別有不同的銘文,左上角打印「لله الامر من قبل ومن بعد 」(真主掌管一切,無論之前還是之後),右上角以回鶻文打印統治者的名諱「 ᠦᠯᠵᠡᠢᠲᠦ ᠰᠤᠯᠲᠠᠨ」(完者都 蘇丹),右下角和左下角合起來是錢幣的鑄造地點和年份「ﺿﺮﺏ شیراز ﺳﻨﺔ ﻋﺸﺮ ﻭﺳﺒﻌﻤﺎﺋﺔ」(這枚錢幣於回曆710年鑄造於設拉子)。