Kingdom of the Two Sicilies

Francis II

120 Grana



120 格拉納

Item number: A1493

Year: AD 1859

Material: Silver (.833)

Size: 36.8 x 36.8 mm

Manufactured by: Naples Mint

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2024

This is a silver coin issued in AD 1859 by the Naples Mint of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.

The obverse of the coin prominently features the portrait of the reigning monarch, King Francis II, facing left. Encircling the portrait is the Latin inscription “FRANCISCVS II. DEI GRATIA REX,” which translates as “Francis II, by the Grace of God, King.” Below the portrait, the year of issuance, “1859,” is inscribed.

The reverse displays the coat of arms of the royal house of the Two Sicilies, composed of a nested arrangement of two shields. The smaller central shield bears three fleurs-de-lis, symbolising the Bourbon dynasty. The larger shield is vertically divided into three sections. The left section is further horizontally split into two parts: the upper part features five fleurs-de-lis, representing the Farnese family of the Duchy of Parma, while the lower part depicts a double-layered structure of an outer fortress and an inner shield, symbolising the Kingdom of Portugal. The central section is vertically divided into two parts. The left part includes a tower, representing the Kingdom of Castile, and a rampant lion, symbolising the Kingdom of León. The right part features vertical stripes for the Kingdom of Aragon and an eagle representing the Kingdom of Sicily. The lower portion of the central section contains six fleurs-de-lis, signifying the Duchy of Anjou. The right section of the larger shield displays six roundels, the uppermost of which contains three fleurs-de-lis, representing the Medici family of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. Above the large shield is the crown of the Two Sicilies. Surrounding the coat of arms is the Latin abbreviation “REGNI VTR. SIC. ET HIER.,” standing for “regni utriusque Siciliæ et Hierusalem,” which means “the kingdoms of the Two Sicilies and Jerusalem.”

The edge of the coin is smooth, engraved with the Latin inscription “PROVIDENTIA OPTIMI PRINCIPIS,” approximately translated as “The foresight of the most excellent monarch.”

The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was a state in southern Italy that existed during the 19th century. Following Napoleon’s defeat, the Bourbon monarchy was restored in AD 1816, uniting the Kingdom of Naples and the Kingdom of Sicily into the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, making it the largest state in Italy prior to unification. However, the kingdom faced persistent challenges from republicans and nationalists, influenced by the Napoleonic legacy. In AD 1859, the year this coin was issued, Francis II ascended the throne. His policies fluctuated between monarchism and constitutional republicanism, leading to internal political strife and turmoil. In AD 1860, Giuseppe Garibaldi’s “Expedition of the Thousand” landed in Sicily, and in AD 1861, Francis II surrendered. The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was subsequently annexed into the Kingdom of Italy, marking its end.

物件編號: A1493

年代: 公元 1859 年

材質: 銀 (83.3%)

尺寸: 36.8 x 36.8 mm

製造地: 那不勒斯鑄幣廠

來源: 福君錢幣 2024


銀幣正面中央為時任國王法蘭西斯科二世的肖像,面朝左。周圍環繞著拉丁文「FRANCISCVS II. DEI GRATIA REX」,意即「法蘭西斯科二世,蒙上帝恩典之王」。下方是發行年「1859」。

銀幣背面為兩西西里王室的盾徽,由大小兩個盾徽嵌套而成。中央的小盾徽為三朵百合,代表著波旁王室。大盾徽垂直平分為三個部分,左側的部分再水平分割為兩個部分,上方的部分是五朵百合,代表著帕爾馬公國的法爾內塞家族。下方的部分為外圈堡壘和內側盾牌的雙層結構,代表著葡萄牙王國。大盾徽中間部分的上方再垂直分割為兩個部分,左側的部分是代表卡斯提亞王國的塔樓,與代表里昂王國的人立雄獅。右側的部分是代表阿拉貢王國的垂直條文,與代表西西里王國的雄鷹。大盾徽中間部分的下方,為代表安茹公國的六朵百合。大盾徽右側部分為六個圓球,最上端的圓球內有三朵百合,代表著托斯卡納公國的麥地奇家族。兩西西里的王冠在大盾徽的上方,紋章周圍環繞著拉丁簡寫「REGNI VTR. SIC. ET HIER.」,即「regni utriusque Siciliæ et Hierusalem」,意為「兩西西里與耶路撒冷王國」。

銀幣的側面是光滑的表面,刻有拉丁邊銘「PROVIDENTIA OPTIMI PRINCIPIS」,意思大約為「聖主遠見」。


類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 大英博物館 The British Museum

英國 阿須摩林藝術與考古博物館 The Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology


Benedetto Croce. Storia del regno di Napoli. Rome: Editori Laterza, 1966.

Manuela D’Amore. The Royal Society and the Discovery of the Two Sicilies – Southern Routes in the Grand Tour. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 2017.
