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British Crown Dependency
Bailiwick of Guernsey
Elizabeth II
1 Penny
Item number: A1515
Year: AD 1994
Material: Copper plated steel
Size: 20.2 x 20.2 x 1.5 mm
Weight: 3.55 g
Manufactured by: Llantrisant Royal Mint
Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2020
This is a copper-plated 1-penny coin issued by the States of Guernsey in AD 1994 and minted by the Royal Mint in Llantrisant.
The obverse features a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II, facing right, adorned with the George IV State Diadem, a necklace, and earrings. To the left of the Queen’s portrait is the coat of arms of Guernsey, which is based on the Normandy and English heraldic emblem of three lions passant guardant (walking, and face to viewer). A sprig adorns the top of the shield. Encircling the design is the inscription “ELIZABETH II BAILIWICK OF GUERNSEY,” signifying “Elizabeth II, Bailiwick of Guernsey.” The portrait was sculpted by British artist Raphael David Maklouf. Maklouf’s design was selected in AD 1984 as the official effigy for British coinage and was used on coins issued by various countries from AD 1985 to 1997.
The reverse of the coin depicts a crab, symbolising Guernsey’s maritime heritage and the historical reliance of its fishermen on crab fishing as a primary livelihood. The inscription “ONE PENNY 1994” is engraved along the upper edge, with the numeral “1” at the bottom denoting the denomination and year of issue. The crab motif was designed in AD 1985 by Robert Elderton, a sculptor working for the Royal Mint.
Guernsey is part of the Channel Islands, located near the coast of Normandy, France, and represents a vestige of the medieval Duchy of Normandy. Although a Crown Dependency, Guernsey is not part of the United Kingdom and is governed autonomously by its local parliament. The island issues its own currency, the Guernsey Pound, which is accepted alongside the British Pound for everyday transactions. However, Guernsey-issued currency is considered foreign in mainland Britain and is rarely accepted without exchange. The island’s culture reflects a blend of English and French influences, evident in its language, architecture, and broader heritage. The island is rich in historical sites, reflecting its heritage as part of the Duchy of Normandy and its unique distinction as the only British territory occupied by German forces during World War II.
物件編號: A1515
年代: 公元 1994 年
材質: 鋼芯鍍銅
尺寸: 20.2 x 20.2 x 1.5 mm
重量: 3.55 g
製造地: 蘭特里森特皇家鑄幣廠
來源: 福君錢幣 2020
銅幣的正面是英國女王伊莉莎白二世的肖像,頭戴喬治四世王冠,配戴有項鍊與耳環,面朝右。左側有根西島的紋章,以諾曼第與英格蘭的三隻雄獅紋章為基礎,盾徽的頂部有細枝。周圍環繞著英文「ELIZABETH II BAILIWICK OF GUERNESEY」,意即「伊莉莎白二世,根西島轄區」。女王肖像的雕刻者是英國雕塑家拉斐爾·大衛·馬克盧夫(Raphael David Maklouf),公元1984年,拉斐爾·馬克盧夫的作品獲選為英國鑄幣的設計,公元1985 年到 1997 年間,該設計的硬幣為多個國家採用。
The A L T McCammon Collection of Channel Islands Coins, Tokens and Paper Money, catalogue of the sale held on 11th October 1999, London, Baldwin’s Auctions Ltd, 1999.
Spink. Coins of Scotland, Ireland and the Islands (Jersey, Guernsey, Man & Lundy) Pre-decimal Issues, Second Edition, London, Spink, 2003.