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Buyid Dynasty
Adud al-Dawla
Gold Dinar
Item number: A1483
Year: AD 982-983 (AH 372)
Material: Gold
Size: 17.6 x 19.1 mm
Weight: 4.19 g
Manufactured by: Basra, Iraq
Provenance: Stack’s Bowers 2024
This is a gold dinar minted in the Hijri year 372 (AD 982–983) during the reign of Emir Adud al-Dawla of the Buyid dynasty.
The obverse side of the coin is encircled by a beaded border, within which seven lines of Arabic inscriptions are arranged vertically, reading as follows from top to bottom: “لا إله إلا الله” (“There is no deity but God”), “وحده لا شريك له” (“He is One, without partner”), “الملك العدل” (“The Just King”), “شاهنشاه” (“King of Kings”), “عضد الدولة” (“Pillar of the State”), “وتاج الملة” (“Crown of the Nation”), and “أبو شجاع” (“Father of Courage”).
The outer circular inscription of the coin specifies the minting location and date, reading: “بسم الله ضرب هذا الدينر بالبصرة سنة اثنين وسبعين وثلثمائة”, which translates as: “In the name of God, this dinar was struck in Basra in the year 372 Hijri.”
The centre of the reverse side of the coin features six lines of inscriptions arranged vertically, reading from top to bottom as follows: “لله” (“For God”), “محمد” and “رسول الله” (“Muhammad is the Messenger of God”), “عليه وسلم” (“May God’s blessings and peace be upon him”), and “الطائع لله” (“Al-Ta’i, the 23rd Caliph of the Abbasid Empire”).
The coin’s perimeter is encircled by a beaded border and a circular inscription that reads: “محمد رسول الله ارسله بالهدى و دين الحق ليظهره على الدين كله ولو كره المشركون”, a verse from the Quran (9:33). It translates as: “Muhammad is the Messenger of God, whom He sent with guidance and the religion of truth to make it prevail over all religions, even though the polytheists dislike it.”
The Buyid dynasty, a Shia dynasty established by the Daylamites from the Caspian Sea region, is regarded as a significant period of revival for Iranian culture. Adud al-Dawla is considered the most accomplished ruler of the dynasty. He made Baghdad his capital, initiated extensive construction projects, including the building of canals, and consolidated power by conquering the territories of his relatives to become the sole ruler of the dynasty.
物件編號: A1483
年代: 公元 982-983 (回曆 372) 年
材質: 黃金
尺寸: 17.6 x 19.1 mm
重量: 4.19 g
製造地: 巴斯拉,伊拉克
來源: SBP錢幣拍賣 2024
這是一枚回曆372年 (公元982至983年),布維西王朝的埃米爾阿杜德·道萊鑄造的金第納爾。
錢幣正面有一道珠圈,珠圈內部有七行阿拉伯文銘文,從上而下分別是:「لا إله إلا الله 」(萬物非主,唯有真主)、「وحده لا شريك له」(無人能與之比擬)、「الملك العدل 」(正義的國王)、「شاهنشاه」(萬王之王)、「عضد الدولة」(王朝的支柱)、「وتاج الملة 」(國家的王冠) 和「أبو شجاع」(正義之父)。
錢幣外圍的環形銘文則標示鑄造地點和時間「بسم الله ضرب هذا الدينر بالبصرة سنة اثنين وسبعين وثلثمائة 」,意思是「奉真主之名,這枚第納爾於回曆372年鑄造於巴斯拉」。