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Russian Empire
Alexander II
5 Kopeks
Item number: A1675
Year: AD 1874
Material: Copper
Size: 32.6 x 32.6 x 2.2 mm
Weight: 16.95 g
Manufactured by: Ekaterinburg Mint
Provenance: Da Chen Stamps and Coins Collection 2016
This is a 5-kopek copper coin issued in AD 1874 during the reign of Tsar Alexander II of Russia.
The obverse of the coin features the emblem of the Russian Empire, a double-headed eagle. Due to its age, the details of the emblem are heavily worn, and the image of St. George slaying the dragon on the shield has faded entirely. However, it is still possible to discern the crown atop the eagle’s heads and that its claws hold a sceptre on one side and an orb with a cross on the other.
Surrounding the eagle emblem is a decorative ribbon. The upper part of the ribbon is inscribed in Russian with “МѢДНАЯ РОССІЙСКАЯ МОНЕТА,” meaning “Copper Russian Coin,” while the lower part displays the denomination “ПЯТЬ КОПѢЙКИ” (5 kopeks).
The reverse side of the coin features a wreath and a beaded circle. Inside the wreath, the denomination “5 КОПѢЕКЪ” (5 kopecks) is inscribed, with the abbreviation “Е.М.” for the Ekaterinburg Mint below a horizontal line. At the top edge of the wreath, the minting year “1874 ГОДА” (Year AD 1874) is prominently displayed.
After Russia’s defeat in the Crimean War, Alexander II ascended the throne and initiated a series of reforms, the most significant being the abolition of serfdom, aiming to set Russia on the path to industrial modernisation. However, these reforms also gave rise to more radical reformist groups dissatisfied with the pace and scope of change. On March 13, AD 1881, Alexander II was assassinated in Saint Petersburg by a People’s Will assassin using a bomb. Later, Alexander Ulyanov, the older brother of Lenin—who would go on to found the Soviet Union—was executed for his involvement in a plot to assassinate the Tsar.
In AD 1883, Alexander III, Alexander II’s successor, began constructing the Church of the Saviour on Spilt Blood on the site of his father’s assassination. The church was completed in AD 1907 during the reign of Nicholas II.