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Argentine Republic
1 Centavo
Item number: A1516
Year: AD 1885
Material: Bronze
Size: 25.1 x 25.1 x 1.2 mm
Weight: 4.9 g
Manufactured by: Argentine Mint
Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2020
This is a 1-cent bronze coin minted and issued in AD 1885 by the Argentine Mint.
The obverse of the coin features the coat of arms of the Argentine Republic at its centre. Within the central oval shield, the clasped hands holding the “liberty pole” topped with the “Phrygian cap of liberty” symbolise the patriotism of Latin American liberation struggles during the 19th century. The laurel wreath encircling the shield represents victory. Above the emblem is the “Sun of May,” symbolising freedom and independence, while the flags of the provinces on either side signify unity, accompanied at the base by a cannon on each side. Surrounding the emblem is the Latin inscription “REPUBLICA ARGENTINA * 1885 *,” denoting that the coin was issued by the Argentine Republic in AD 1885.
The reverse of the coin depicts the left-facing profile of the goddess Liberty, adorned with the “Phrygian cap of liberty.” Encircling the portrait are the words “LIBERTAD * UN CENTAVO.” The term “LIBERTAD,” meaning “liberty,” commemorates Argentina’s foundational history, while “UN CENTAVO” indicates its denomination as 1 cent. Below the portrait, the inscription “OUDINE” marks the signature of the French sculptor Eugène André Oudiné.
In AD 1881, during the presidency of Alejo Julio Argentino Roca Paz, following the end of civil strife, the Monetary Law 1130 of November 5, 1881 was enacted to implement a bimetallic standard reform. This reform introduced the “Argentino” as the unified currency unit, terminating the previous state of monetary anarchy where various foreign currencies circulated freely within Argentina. The issuance of precious metal coins was intended to align the national economy with the global market and to facilitate international trade. The Argentine government placed high expectations on this new currency, commissioning the renowned sculptor Oudiné and establishing a new mint in Buenos Aires. During President Roca’s tenure, Argentina experienced economic stability, a surge in agricultural exports, an influx of foreign exchange, and extensive development of public infrastructure such as railroads and ports. However, alongside these achievements, significant fiscal deficits, an export-dependent agricultural economy, and speculative economic booms laid the groundwork for the economic crisis in AD 1890.
物件編號: A1516
年代: 公元 1885年
材質: 青銅
尺寸: 25.1 x 25.1 x 1.2 mm
重量: 4.9 g
製造地: 阿根廷鑄幣廠
來源: 福君錢幣 2020
銅幣的正面的正面中央為阿根廷共和國的國徽,中央的橢圓盾中,雙手緊握的「自由之竿」以及竿頂的「自由之帽」是十九世紀拉丁美洲解放戰爭中愛國者的標誌。月桂花環象徵勝利。上端的「五月太陽」象徵自由和解放,兩側的各省旗幟代表著團結,兩側的底部則各有一門大砲。周圍環繞著拉丁文「REPUBLICA ARGENTINA * 1885 *」,表示「阿根廷共和國」於公元1885年發行該幣。
銅幣的反面是帶著「自由之帽」的自由女神肖像,面朝左。周圍環繞著「LIBERTAD * UN CENTAVO」的字樣,「LIBERTAD 」即「解放」,為阿根廷的立國歷史的紀念。「UN CENTAVO 」表示其面額為1分。肖像下方「OUDINE」是法國雕塑家尤金·安德烈·烏迪內(Eugéne André Oudiné)的署名。
公元1881年,在亞歷荷·胡利奧·阿亨蒂諾·羅加·帕斯(Alejo Julio Argentino Roca Paz)總統任內,內戰甫定,阿根廷共和國頒布第1130號法律,開始實行金銀複本位改革,並以「阿根廷諾」這一單位統一貨幣,以結束先前各國貨幣自由於境內流通的無政府狀態。同時,發行貴金屬硬幣與世界經濟接軌,也有利於國際貿易。阿根廷政府對新貨幣寄予厚望,請來著名雕塑家烏迪內,並在布宜諾斯艾利斯設立新的鑄幣廠。羅加總統任內經濟穩定,農業產品出口遽增,外匯豐沛,鐵路、港口等公共設施廣泛的興建。但相反的,大規模的財政赤字、單一的貿易結構、經濟快速發展下的投機熱潮,也埋下了公元1890年經濟危機的遠因。
G della Paolera. Straining at the Anchor: The Argentine Currency Board and the Search for Macroeconomic Stability, 1880–1935. University of Chicago Press. 2001.