Qing Dynasty

Kangxi Tongbao

Taiwan Prefecture Bureau



Item number: A1507

Year: AD 1688-1692

Material: Brass

Size: 26.5 x 26.7 x 0.9 mm

Weight: 4.45 g

Manufactured by: Taiwan Prefecture Bureau

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2020

This is a Kangxi Tongbao coin minted on April 26, AD 1689 (the 28th year of the Kangxi reign) by the Taiwan Prefecture Bureau, located in Tainan, Taiwan. The coin is made of brass.

The coin has the typical Chinese square-holed design. On the obverse side, the four Chinese characters Kangxi Tongbao (康熙通寶) are engraved in regular script in the order of top, bottom, right, and left. On the reverse side, the left and right sides feature the mint location: the Manchu inscription “ᡨ᠋ᠠᡳ” and the Chinese character “臺” (Tai), indicating that the coin was minted in Taiwan.

In AD 1683 (the 22nd year of the Kangxi reign), the Qing Empire successfully defeated the Ming Zheng regime, which had made Taiwan its base of operations. After a brief debate within the imperial court, it was decided to incorporate Taiwan into the empire, with Tainan designated as the administrative centre, establishing the Taiwan Prefecture.

In AD 1688 (the 27th year of the Kangxi reign), Zhang Zhongju, the Governor of Fujian responsible for Taiwanese affairs, petitioned the court. He pointed out that many of the coins circulating in Taiwan were still remnants of the Ming Dynasty, left behind by the Ming Zheng regime. He recommended establishing a mint in Taiwan to produce new currency, and this proposal was approved by the imperial court.

物件編號: A1507

年代: 公元 1688-1692 年

材質: 黃銅

尺寸: 26.5 x 26.7 x 0.9 mm

重量: 4.45 g

製造地: 臺灣府局

來源: 福君錢幣 2020

這是一枚康熙28年(公元1689年) 4月26日,位處臺灣台南的「臺灣府局」開始鑄造的「康熙通寶」,材質為黃銅。


康熙22年 (公元1683年),清帝國成功征討以臺灣為根據地的明鄭政權,經過朝廷短暫的爭辯之後,決定將臺灣收入帝國的版圖,並且以台南作為統治中心設立「臺灣府」。康熙27年 (公元1688年),主管臺灣事務的福建巡撫張仲舉上奏,提出當前在臺灣流通的錢幣仍多為明鄭遺留的明朝錢幣,主張在臺灣設立鑄錢局鑄造新貨幣得到朝廷批准。

類似/相同物件 請看:

臺灣 國立歷史博物館 National Museum of History


臺灣 國立臺灣歷史博物館  National Museum of Taiwan History






